Re: Display questions in and outside the classroom

From: Peter Smagorinsky (
Date: Sat Mar 05 2005 - 11:41:15 PST

some possibilities U.S. high school for literature classes:

Nystrand, M. (1997). Opening dialogue: Understanding the dynamics of
language and learning in the English classroom. New York: Teachers College
Marshall, J. D., Smagorinsky, P., & Smith, M. (1995). The Language of
Interpretation: Patterns of Discourse in Discussions of Literature. Urbana,
IL: National Council of Teachers of English Research Monographs.

At 09:50 AM 3/5/2005 -0800, you wrote:
>I am looking for literature on the different functions of display vs.
>referential questions in the classroom. I am somewhat familiar with the
>literature on the role of such questions in second language classrooms, but
>most of the research in this area discusses the primary functions of display
>questions as comprehension checks and as means of eliciting particular forms
>(e.g. grammatical structures and/or vocabulary) form L2 learners. The
>pedagogical advice seems to be to increase the number of referential
>questions and to decrease the number of display ones in order to promote
>more communicative classrooms.
>In my own analysis of classroom talk (a citizenship class at an adult
>school), however, I am finding quite different functions of display
>questions in the co-construction of content and linguistic knowledge. I am
>new to the investigation of interaction in the classrooms that are not
>strictly ESL, and I would very much appreciate any recommendations on any
>literature addressing the functions of teacher questions in non-language
>classrooms, especially in adult settings.
>Thanks in advance to everyone who can help,
>Olga Griswold

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