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RE: Refs on sociocultural interaction studies of math classrooms

What about the TIMSS Video Studies? They can be downloaded from the web.
Just google them.

David D. Preiss
home page: http://pantheon.yale.edu/~ddp6/

-----Original Message-----
From: Angel Lin [mailto:enangel@cityu.edu.hk]
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2004 2:38 AM
To: xmca
Cc: mpchen@nie.edu.sg
Subject: Refs on sociocultural interaction studies of math classrooms

A colleague of mine is looking for recent sociocultural studies in
analysis of math classrooms; any leads?  Thanks in advance! :)


Angel Lin, Ph.D.(Toronto)
Associate Professor
Department of English and Communication
City University of Hong Kong
Tat Chee Ave., Kowloon, Hong Kong
Fax: (852) 2788-8894; phone: (852) 2788-8122
E-mail: enangel@cityu.edu.hk