Re: 1973 article by Wartofsky on perception, representation, artifacts

From: Oudeyis (
Date: Sun May 30 2004 - 20:41:26 PDT

    Ilyenkov's Dialectics of the Abstract and Concrete is his longest, but I found it the clearest and best organized of his works. You might also want to review part I ("History of Dialectics") of his Dialectical Logic particularly chapters 5 (on Hegel) and 6 (on Feuerbach).
    Sorry about the somewhat telegraphic and disorganized state of my last message, got somewhat worked up after finding that a very Hegelian theory (modified to conform to materialist paradigms of knowledge and thought) is hidden in EVI's "The Concept of the Ideal."
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Steve Gabosch
  Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2004 11:04 PM
  Subject: Re: 1973 article by Wartofsky on perception, representation, artifacts


  Got your latest. I am still in catch-up mode, but I am reading. I want to get to that Panofsky paper, too - I really like what Phil and Paul got started, I hope others chime in - and soon, I look forward to the quarterly paper from MCA that xmca will be discussing . I'm now in the middle of Ilyenkov's Dialectics of the Abstract and Concrete chapter 3, which has a terrific section on Hegel relevant to some of the things you discuss in your most recent post, so I will be looking those over together. I so appreciate our ongoing discussion about the ideal, it is very valuable, and very central to many core theoretical issues. Lets keep it up, but take it slow. I also want to ponder Michael Glassman's question about Wartofsky's artifact scheme - is it dialectical? - he sure asked a dandy of a question. Gotta run now.

  Highest regards,
  - Steve

  At 03:36 PM 5/30/2004 +0200, you wrote:


       I was not entirely satisfied with my earlier message. Please regard this as an addendum.


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