RE: lichnost'/self-actualization

From: Eugene Matusov (ematusov@UDel.Edu)
Date: Mon Aug 11 2003 - 07:47:35 PDT

Thanks, Peter! I have the book and can look in it!




-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Moxhay []
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 9:21 AM
Subject: Re: lichnost'/self-actualization


Eugene wrote:

I wonder if Il'enkov wrote on this issue. Also, I remember that Eugene
Subbotsky wrote a book about development of lichnost'. I wonder if it is
translated in English (Eugene, can you help?).

In the Ilyenkov collection, Filosofiya i Kul'tura, there's a section called
"Chto takoe lichost'" with four articles:

1) Nesomnennoe i somnitelnoe v razmyshleniyakh Eh. Maira
(The undoubted and the doubtful (?) in the thinking of Ernst Mayr)

2) Gegel' i problema sposobnostei
(Hegel and the problem of capabilities)

3) Deyatel'nost' i znanie
(Activity and knowledge)

4) Chto takoe lichnost'?
(What is personality?)


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