Re: ISCAR executive committee

From: King Beach (
Date: Wed Jul 10 2002 - 12:24:03 PDT

>Could someone who was able to attend tell us what the consitution of the
>executive committee of iscar is?

Briefly, here are the folks that constitute the new ISCAR exec.
committee. Seth is president and Ana is VP. Each member roughly
represents a region of the world. I'm the North Amer. rep. to the
committee. Sorry I don't have the specifics of the regional
representation on hand right now, but it will shortly be web

          Kiyoshi Amano
          King Beach
                   Antonia Candela
                   Seth Chaiklin
                  Harry Daniels
                  Vladislav A. Lektorsky
                  Juan Daniel Ramírez Garrido
                  Ana Luiza Bustamente Smolka
                  Serena Veggetti
                  Irina Verenikina
                  Jaakko Virkkunen




King Beach 500 Newman Rd. Okemos, MI 48864 Phone: 517-381-8884 Fax: 517-381-8885 Email:

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