A system is as system does

From: MnFamilyMan@aol.com
Date: Tue Jun 04 2002 - 15:13:45 PDT


I thank you very much for engaging in this conversation of systems theory.
Your comment left me with the impression you were not in favor of chaos
theory for the explanatory model; perhaps I was mistaken [haha that would be
ironic wouldn't it?]. In reading Valsiner and his assessment of current
{1997 was publication of edition I read of Culture and the development of
children's actions} systems theories is helpful in sorting that which is
metaphor, that which is method and that which is crap (sic).

Using metaphors for discussing psychology can be helpful for 'higher-level'
discourse but at the level of practice metaphorical discussions do nothing
but provide feel-good meeting time for staff: nothing else! This would then
be the reason why I am a big fan of Vygotsky's notion of methodology and not
so much a fan of theoretical mumbo-jumbo [eric's special technical term: )].

Make sense?

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