Building Bridges and virus hoaxes

Date: Thu May 23 2002 - 04:43:13 PDT

To all:

Building bridges is an excellent metaphor for the political method and such a
fantastic way for actually visualizing how it is information is conveyed
between 'groups'. Providing a metaphor, however, does not solve the lack of
minorities in union jobs or help cities retain professional sports teams
[sic]. the information that is discussed can be relavant and can revolve
around the issue but what QUALITATIVE information is available that explains
as well as emphasizes important changes ? When I first read Helena's paer I
wrote her regarding the interpretation of data between individual results as
opposed to group measurements. This is still a concern of mine. I will
change gears for now and turn back to the discussion of the virus hoax.

This latest Virus hoax that was experienced by xmca is an example of what
happens when social influences instigate personal behavior. As Helena
reports in her paper the individual reports of successful minorities in union
jobs was a great influencer on the participants, when it was happening; but
still numbers did not reflect rousing success in minorities accessing jobs.
Translated, this virus hoax has captured much attention but when recorded
this day will have done little to change the continuation of hoaxes in the

My final comment is to use Valsiner's Dynamic interactionist theory to
discuss what is occurring. Everybody has a zone of free movement that they
operate within and all have a societally imposed zone of promoted action.
Depending upon everybody's individual perceived zone they will either respond
to this hoax or not respond to this hoax. The zone of development that is
achieved by an individual is dependant on how they reacted to the zfm/zpa

Using myself as an example, my zone of free movement is such that I do not
feel comfortable providing technological info to xmca. The zone of promoted
action that I have been receiving from xmca is to view myself as a
contributor who is tolerated but viewed as a 'pest'. My zone of development
in the domain of virus hoaxes is that I have learned to disregard any
suggestion that any undetected virus is dangerous.

Back to the building bridges paper. Helena, I find your study fascinating
and the building bridges project as extremely valuable and intend on using it
as an example for a grant proposal that the program I work in will be
submitting in the next month. My comments are not meant to ridicule but
rather to discuss the real problem that all people face when trying to change
systems that have become






oooooooooooooooooooooooo entrenched. On the political level activity theory
summarizes systems nicely but at the individual level I do not feel it does,
that is why I introduced Valsiner's thinking.

I wrote about the virus hoax and the building bridges on the same post
because I find them correlated in both their metaphorical explanation as well
as how they have played out. I recognize that this may only be a feable
attempt for my mind to synthesize the information going on around me. Maybe
comments regarding this would help clarify my thinking.

Ramblin' on

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