Re: Vygotsky as individualist

From: Keith Sawyer (
Date: Fri May 03 2002 - 14:16:44 PDT

In reply to Gordon's comments on inseparability and the individual:

I agree with Gordon's comments. I think strict inseparability is
implausible theoretically, and is probably impossible to turn into an
empirical program. Archer argues the following in her 1995 book:
inseparability makes it impossible to explain the most important things
about individuals, and also makes it impossible to explain the most
important things about broader social contexts. So neither psychologists
nor sociologists can be happy with that.

Giddens holds to a purer form of strict inseparability so I find his
position pretty implausible. He can only get away with that by not doing
any empirical work. Rogoff, Lave, and some others I discuss in my article
vascillate between claims for inseparability on the one hand, and empirical
work that assumes what Valsiner calls "inclusive separation," on the other.

R. Keith Sawyer
Assistant Professor
Department of Education
Washington University
Campus Box 1183
St. Louis, MO 63130

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