Re: Sawyer's sociocultural analysis

From: Ricardo Ottoni Vaz Japiassu (
Date: Sat Apr 13 2002 - 20:41:14 PDT

Hi Eric,

On the four levels of analysis:

You said that "(...) Sawyer's article assessing sociocultural literature has provided a robust vehicle for synthesizing what has been discussed in the field to this point".

But I did not remmember to have seen any reference of KS on this four levels along his article (e-article)

And also that: "Sawyer's notion of dual analysis" is very close to "LSV's 'functional method of double stimulation' experimental methodology".

I, personally, think they are talking about different things - or better, diferent methods of approaching phenomena.

And on your rethoric question reproduced below:
"Is it a matter of being a purist as far as social/individual holism to sacrifice specific studies?"

 I would say that one thing do not discharge the other, in my understanding. I yet believe that "high" ,"superior" or typically human mental functioning are elaborated under biological bases... orienting and subjecting it to very specifical laws... (that's whay I preffer the word SUBJECT to individual!)

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