"Emergence in psychology" article in HUMAN DEVELOPMENT

From: Keith Sawyer (ksawyer@artsci.wustl.edu)
Date: Sun Apr 07 2002 - 16:30:06 PDT

This article was recently published in the journal HUMAN DEVELOPMENT, 2002, Volume 45, pages 2-28.  This is the one titled "Emergence in Psychology" that Ruth Berry, Mike Cole, and David Kirshner were discussing last month.  Perhaps there are XMCA members who don't have access to this journal; I'll see if I can get a PDF version posted on LCHC.

At 08:31 AM 4/7/02 -0300, you wrote:

Dear professor Sawyer,
I just found one article at the LCHC web site. Where can I get the one on Human Development you reffer to in your e-mail?

R. Keith Sawyer

Assistant Professor
Department of Education
Washington University
Campus Box 1183
St. Louis, MO  63130

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