History as a Preface: watch for OQ :)

From: MnFamilyMan@aol.com
Date: Sat Feb 16 2002 - 17:56:51 PST

To explain human consciousness empircal understanding has long been the mode
of operation. A specific experiment conducted by Pavlov to understand
salivary glands pushed the realm of understanding animal behavior. This
understanding influenced psychologists study of 'higher mental functions'.
Vygotsky understood that a mehtodology based on studying base instincts
wasn't sufficient for studying consiousness, he acknowledged that the
reflex/behavior was a psychological phenomena but beyond this stood a closer
understanding of conscious thought itself. History is the methaphor Vygotksy
applied to going beyong the reflex/behavior paradigm.

History is a preface to studying human consciousness and therefore helps to
explain our study. It is not a methodological tool therefore it does not
appear a TRUE definition of history could even been verbalized.

? What then could be a way to introduce history as metaphor into
methodological study as a theoretical construct?


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