Re: FW: tragedy in New York

From: Bill Barowy (
Date: Tue Sep 11 2001 - 18:02:55 PDT

I've just received word that a couple from the neighborhood that I grew up in
was on the flight to LA to visit their daughter. He was the assistant
principal from my high school, and when I was 14 or 15 I had played a prank on
him. He stood above it, and did not take it personally. I actually think he
laughed. I suspect that many of us will find that we knew someone who
perished. Beyond that, this is not something I wish to intellectualize or
analyze or debate. Can we come to grips with the magnitude of this tragedy,
how so many lives have been extinguished, how so many are direct survivors, and
how so many were close to those who perished, how many of us who knew someone,
and how possibly there were many whose final moments passed in awareness and
horror. If I could go back, would I have played that prank? Perhaps still,
because through it, I came to understand what a good person that man was, and
how he enriched my life. The nature and magnitude of this tragedy makes no
sense, and I wish not to try to make sense of it, because to do so will be to
reduce it, to rationalize it, and I firmly believe such things should stay
beyond rationality.

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