Re: AERA Symposium

From: Dr. P. R. Portes (
Date: Tue Jul 03 2001 - 18:57:32 PDT

We have one cooking here, with a proposal to evaluate being reviewed.
Nonetheless it is ongoing research and will have the first study completed
in time. In addition to issues of effect, coordination of pipelines and
scaling, we would really be interested in the "influencing policy" part of
I'll be out of the country in July 3 days from now, so a quick response is
essential on this end.

Re. ISCRAT and financial aid, why don't we try to do 1-2 fundraising
announcements in our CHAT SIG 's bigger sessions and bus. meeting and pass
the hat and see if we can send Seth a lump sum from the SIG??
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Cole" <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 2:01 PM
Subject: AERA Symposium

> Some folks around here are intersested in proposing a symposium at
> AERA on "Buildin and Sustaining Afterschool Educational Activities."
> We have two proposed papers from UCSD and one from Miami is rumoured.
> Any interested parties out there?
> mike

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