Re: pilot / activity

From: Martin Owen (
Date: Mon Apr 23 2001 - 08:04:50 PDT writes:
>Provocative statement regarding pilot projects not raising contradictions
>Martin. On the other hand, they do afford new forms and ensembles of
>actions/instrumentations previously not possible of a system. Is it that
>pilots do not inherently bring contradictions or that the "pilot"
>category is constructed to prevent the contradiction from being
>discovered, i.e. a bureaucracy "burying the contradiction", or placing
>the pilot "outside" the system?

Sorry, Bill, errors creep in when you condese message to the point of
obscurity. What our field work on seven innovations in Europe indicated
that there was a focus in the pilot on "teaching and learning". he
activity was protected from the institutional framework, and similarly the
instituional framework was protected from the innovation. The need to
change the "rules" of the institution or expand the value system of the
community were not part of the remit of the innovation. I think it was the
nature of pilotism to cause the least peturbation to the existing order.

The results of pilot may show up lots of contradictions however.... but by
then the funding has gone and the team has dissipated.

yours cynically


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