Re(2): Activity and Money (2)

From: Phillip White (
Date: Sat Dec 16 2000 - 09:08:34 PST writes:

        Paul scrobe:

> meso- and south american cultures developed very
>sophisticated mathematical systems but did not have money or markets and
>were most certainly not capitalist cultural systems.
        first, what you wrote, Paul, i found very interesting and now want to go
do some reading of the authors your referenced. it sounds really great!

        second, please help me with what you mean by the word "market" in the
above quote - because i'm thinking about the far-flung trading system of
the Aztecs and the traders (which if i remember correctly was a profession
dominated by women) who moved from the now american south west to the
yucatan and central american jungles. is my definition of "market" a
naive one to include this system of trade?



* * * * * * * *
* *

The English noun "identity" comes, ultimately, from the
Latin adverb "identidem", which means "repeatedly."
The Latin has exactly the same rhythm as the English,
buh-BUM-buh-BUM - a simple iamb, repeated; and
"identidem" is, in fact, nothing more than a
reduplication of the word "idem", "the same":
"idem(et)idem". "Same(and) same". The same,
repeated. It is a word that does exactly what
it means.

                          from "The Elusive Embrace" by Daniel

phillip white
third grade teacher
doctoral student
scrambling a dissertation
denver, colorado

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