Re: Leontiev Ch. 2 -- II on "Psychic Reflection"

From: Alfred Lang (
Date: Sun Oct 15 2000 - 00:38:54 PDT

Andy wrote on Friday:

>You may be right Alfred. I'm not sure. There is no doubt that the norm for
>soviet science was exactly as you say. I've not yet been able to make up my
>mind the extent to which Leontyev remains within that norm, and would be
>interested in others' opinions.

I hope I have not been misunderstood. My interest in CH and AT is
certainly not to find out whether their originators were politically
and ethically sane or not - they lived in circumstances that are not
ours and, I hope, will not repeat - but rather to learn whether they
made good science and what of their legacy can carry better
understanding of the human condition.

My suspicions about the ways "objectivity" claims can be used to
further partisan interests was certainly not a partisan based
statement. I think I have uttered already enough criticism of much of
modern psychology (in the West) following the same path.
International psychology, in my valuation, is only in small parts an
emancipatory endeavor, Much more it is victim and part of that
attitude described. And I think understand well enough about the
value orientation of people joining this list.


Alfred Lang, Psychology, Univ. Bern, Switzerland ---

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