Re: developmental theory

From: Diane Hodges (
Date: Tue May 09 2000 - 14:04:28 PDT

mike asks
>Nate and Diane-- When speaking of developmental theory, what are you
>referring to, what are you not? Any interest in developmental work
>research? :-)

for myself, i think of words like change, rather than development,
transgressions, movements, learning, choosing, identifying, adapting,
becoming, belonging, where there is no specific pace of growth, but rather
kinds of changes that place in a person's life, from prenatal life through
to afterlife.
development for me, is too much associated with norms of developing,
with stages of development, with discontinuous growth, and with
measurement -

thinking about these processes as as change, learning, as difference,
transgression, explains more of the deviations as well as those who fit
the norms.

                                        :point where everything listens.
and i slow down, learning how to
enter - implicate and unspoken (still) heart-of-the-world.

(Daphne Marlatt, "Coming to you")

diane celia hodges

 university of british columbia, centre for the study of curriculum and
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 university of colorado, denver, school of education

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