RE: every season

From: Eva Ekeblad (
Date: Fri Mar 24 2000 - 06:51:04 PST

At 11.09 +0000 0-03-24, Bruce Robinson scrobe:
>The weather in Manchester is currently alternating between beautiful
>spring days and gloomy grey rainy ones.

Yes the sun is shining in Göteborg whenever I notice. Selective attention,
probably. And I am wondering why 'history' must necessarily be linked to
myths of betterment -- or of decay, like the golden-age myths... isn't
history all the more interesting and all the more worth taking into account
for not taking an unambiguous path across an unambiguous slope?

>The clocks go forward this weekend
>so the longer evenings start in earnest soon.
ah, yes: that hour borrowed by PTB in March and given back without interest
in September (or is it October)....


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