Re: lurkers, selfpresentations

From: Ricardo Ottoni (
Date: Tue Jan 25 2000 - 07:15:30 PST

Elisa Sayeg wrote:
> Also, I must explain why I sent a message in Portuguese to the list. I
> was a bit surprised to receive a message in Portuguese about a polemic on a
> film called Dogma, a polemic that in my view is a bit misplaced. Since the
> list delivered this message to my inbox, I thought I had the right to reply.
> I was very tired, having come back from a meeting, and did not have the
> energy to write a translation of the message. I also do not know if the
> message was part of a thread, or simply a fragment of conversation that
> found its way to the list. Anyway, I replied, and may translate the reply
> later, but
                    this is not the focus of the list.


If by one side "this is not the focus of the list", by another it is
a phenomenum anyway related to the discussion on internet positive and
negative features that is beeing held.

The censorship of the movie picture mobilized at least two different
groups with conflicting points of view: The "catholics" asking for
additions in their claim to censorship the movie, and the "free
artistic expression" ones - asking people to protest against its
censorship and abominate such thing.

I read your post on it and I found it very clever although I,
personally, understand that it is very pedagogical and usefull a
discussion on that issue, contrary to your oppinion.

I also would like to congatulate you for your excellent article on
LEXICOGRAPHY AND COGNITION, based in your research results developed
aside College of education of USP's NEC (Studies of Concepts Nucleus),

If I'm not equivocated I think we share a table in the CE's restaurant
last november. We talk brieflly about NEC and Marta Kohl. Is that true?
I was doing that time an interview exam trying to ingress in
CE's doctorate program... There was a professor from Minas Gerais in the
table too...

I'd like to know how did you were caugth by X-list web.

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