Re: thought experiment

Katherine Goff (Katherine_Goff who-is-at
Mon, 13 Sep 1999 11:21:10 -0600

gary writes:
>Here are my questions -- to what degree should I, writing in 1999, be held
>accountable for my lack of use of we and wir? Does the fact that we and
>wir are not a part of my writing mean that i would reject them if they
>existed, or rather only that they do not exist yet? Or is my ignorance
>really a form of false consciousness, that i need to be held accountable
>for? That is, should i have been trying to express the ideas of we and wir
>somehow using the writing conventions that i did have? Or is it a sign of
>false consciousess in my culture that affects everything i say or do, no
>matter how peripheral it might appear to be? Should we therefore go back
>and edit in we and wir? Or would that be our own form of false

in reading your post, i recall marge piercy's book, _woman on the edge of
time_ .
she proposes a feminist utopia for the future where the personal pronouns
are genderless: per for his and her and person for he and she.
your example would look like this:

Present Clinton returned to Washington, and person immediately convened per

so one possibility might be to write fiction.


start all over.
start all over.
we need to make new symbols,
make new signs,
make a new language,
with these we'll redefine the world
and start all over.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^tracy chapman:new beginning
Katherine_Goff who-is-at