Re(2): bears repeating

Katherine Goff (Katherine_Goff who-is-at
Sun, 06 Jun 1999 12:42:35 -0600

diane writes:
>literally i reckon you need to be a bit of a flake, but i can hang with
>rocks and think of their molecular density and so how much flux is in the
>rock and so on, it's a way of living with the world in a kind of shared
>movement/rest thing.

i thought of a recent conversationwith some techie buddies who were
exclaiming about some new audio card that can be installed in a computer
that can hold the contents of a music cd so you could play this music from
your computer
"with no moving parts!"

and i said, "Come on! Something has to be moving!"

they looked at me funny (the way one looks at a flake?) and admitted that
electrons were moving,

but i was struck by this concept of no moving parts as a desirable
characteristic which i see as echoes of plato and the eternal, unchanging
forms as the ideal of perfection
while we, corrupted, shadowy distortions of the ideal,
use technology to create imitations of the eternal.


start all over.
start all over.
we need to make new symbols,
make new signs,
make a new language,
with these we'll redefine the world
and start all over.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^tracy chapman:new beginning
Katherine_Goff who-is-at