Re: A call to radically rethink high school

Vincent W. Hevern (hevern who-is-at
Thu, 20 May 1999 01:03:57 -0700

Following up on some of Jay Lemke's references to Leon Botstein's op-ed
column from the NYTimes, I thought about my grad school teacher, Anne
Anastasi, one of the major women in psychology and author of that textbook
in psych testing. She never understood why American high schools were at
all important educationally. She had been home-schooled after the 7th or
8th grade and applied directly for entrance to Barnard when she was 16. My
recollection of her autobiography was that she passed sufficient college
course tests to be admitted directly either to sophomore or junior year of
college. I know she finished her doctoral work at about age 21-22 at

In a different but related vein, there have been three amazing columns
posted online by communications commentator, Jon Katz, at a site called
<>. They have received rather widespread notice even by the
mainstream media. The URLs for these are:

"Voices from the Hellmouth"
"More Stories from the Hellmouth"
"The Price of Being Different"

They mostly represent email he has received from students all over the
country about the price they have been paying in the post-Columbine
shooting world for acting, speaking, or thinking in unusual or non-standard
ways. The stories I read in Jon's articles are pretty depressing, though
perhaps not upon reflection, and summon up images of a kind of American
cultural fascism reminiscent of the 50s and early 60s. They certainly echo
some of Botstein's comments.

Vinny Hevern

+ Vincent W. Hevern, SJ, PhD Reilly Hall 220 Office: 315 445-4342 +
+ Associate Prof. & Chair FAX: 315 445-4722 +
+ Psychology Department +
+ Le Moyne College Email: hevern who-is-at +
+ Syracuse, NY 13214 USA +
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