Re: Campaign Against Public Schools

dkirsh who-is-at
Sun, 16 May 1999 10:11:56 -0500

Lament for the Bad old Days of Public Schooling:

I want to respond to Diane's call for concern for the critical
and emancipatory practices of public schooling.
In the weak and degenerate state that public schooling finds
itself, in which an overbureaucratized and heavy-handed
administration tramples over underpaid and often minimally
qualified teaching faculty, Diane's question seems sensible,
even necessary, to ask.

This I can promise. When education moves from a public
to a private space, questions like Diane's will no longer be
sensible--nay, possible--to ask. Academic freedom is a
public construct. Although we may be losing many battles
now, as legislatures and administrative jurisdictions continue
to erode the possibilities for teachers to 'teach their
conscience,' we are fighting in a public space for public
values. The fight over public education is nothing less than
the right to continue fighting such battles. After that, folks,
I'm afraid it's to the trenches, literally, for those who want to
claim a vision of our culture's future that differs in any way
from that of the corporate sector. For those with a taste for
revolution that might not be so bad. For me, I hope I never
have to lament the passing of the bad old days of public

David Kirshner
Louisiana State University

The tendency to abandon the public schools based on
their (ostensibly) poor performance