Re(2): Krupskaya

Katherine Goff (Katherine_Goff who-is-at
Wed, 21 Apr 1999 16:25:50 -0600

Nate writes:
>Rather than making such horrid actions pathlogical, I would rather see it
>as an opportunity to look at what it is about our schools/society that
>such actions possible. Personally. I have a difficult time with the logic
>that if we make schools more like prisons, lie dedectors, security guards,
>our schools will become a safer place to learn. But this is from someone
>who working at a gas station tried to counsel someone out of robbing him

i feel that most of the horror that people attribute to such unexpected,
violent crimes comes from the (usually unconscious) realization that we
have so little real control over our own lives, that not just anyone, but
that _i_ could die at any moment.

the fear of lack of control, the fear of our mortality and the
unpredictability of life/death,
drives us to strive for
more control.
more rules and restrictions,
more weapons and technology,
more locks and restrictions,
more fear.

i don't think much will change until we can step outside of our addiction
to power as control of others,
until we can let go of the myth of prediction and causal relationships.
all the attempts to control children and young adults can only contribute
to the feelings of helplessness, alienation, and rage
that led to such a violent denial of life.


start all over.
start all over.
we need to make new symbols,
make new signs,
make a new language,
with these we'll redefine the world
and start all over.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^tracy chapman:new beginning
Katherine_Goff who-is-at