Re: some joint activity re contextless reading?

Charles Nelson (c.nelson who-is-at
Fri, 26 Mar 1999 10:13:18 -0600

Ricardo wrote:

>If Luria and Vygotsky were wright, the use of words by speach makes the
>thinking process radically different. And I deduce from this that
>thinking in english is something very different than thinking in
>portuguese, or russian or spanish etc

It depends on what we mean by language. If referring to
syntactical-phonological differences, they exist but their influence need
not be, and probably isn't, "very" big. If we speak of the lexical and
sociocultural associations, then the difference can be very large, and so
different cultural groups--whether speaking different languages or the
"same" language--may think very differently.

Charles Nelson
c.nelson who-is-at