Re: theory questions from the bleachers

Mary Bryson (brys who-is-at
Wed, 24 Mar 1999 20:41:56 -0700

Diane wrote:
> i would say this seems to represent the difference;
>that it is between sociocultural and sociopolitical perspectives.
>it is a huge difference, and yet both "camps" or "clubs" are looking at the
>same thing: society as a peopled system.

I have been re-reading Wertsch's book "Mind as Action", and it seems to me
that what makes this book so important, is that Wertsch is precisely
working both ends in the middle
social as cultural as political
mediational tools with which we act "mindfully"
Wertsch also makes powerful arguments for the necessity of
interdiscipinarity so as to get past the conceptual blinkers that have
caused the strange aporias that mostly go uncommented upon in psychology -
where "the world" is typically either treated as absent, as irrelevant, as
noise, as epiphenomenal.

hence Williams' standards argument, which I forgot to flesh out for folks
who haven't read williams, he conflates the double meaning of "standards"
as the flag instantiating the identity of a particular group as it rides
into battle, and the more abstract normative definition of standard.


Mary Bryson, Associate Professor and UBC Scholar 98/99,
Faculty of Education, UBC
Principal Co-Investigator: GenTech Project Research WWWsite Netscape Composer Tutorial Instructional
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