maybe silence?

Mike Cole (mcole who-is-at
Sun, 21 Mar 1999 18:03:37 -0800 (PST)

So who was knocking silence a few days back? What an incredible outpouring
of inter-locking-knocking ideas have come tumbling out.

The idea of forbidding the use of context in teaching reading really deserves
some kind of award, although the linking of the catastrophes of whole language
and evolution runs a close second and the paradoxes of progress/intervention
are on a scale of their own.

(Not to mention pre-scripted specification of which verbs to teach which week
irrespective of what students are reading. (Of course, reading without including

And into the maelstorm I float a message asking about LSV and contextualism? What
clever sprite organized that coincidence?

Has anyone encountered the use of context in LSV's texts yet? In what, ahem, contexts,
do they appear?