Re: Secular or Religious - salvation is the same (Re: Tough Times)

Martin ELLISON (martin who-is-at
Sun, 13 Dec 1998 13:31:52 +1100

> ...Plato's Philosophy was
> a result of the decline of Athens, Stoic Philosophy arose out of the fall
> of Rome. The Renaissance to some extent arose out of the fall of
> Constantinople. There is now intriguing evidence that all the ancient
> cultures were the legacy of a Lost Civilization destroyed at the end of
> the last Ice Age.
This is all good rhetoric, but not exactly factual. Stoicism was
invented about 300BC, about 800 years before the fall of Rome. The
Renaissance was basically over by the fall of Constantinople in 1453.
And as far as I know, the only evidence for the "Lost Civilisation" is
Plato's Timaeus (24e-25d).