Re: wholes in synthesis

Katherine Goff (Katherine_Goff who-is-at
Sun, 20 Sep 1998 12:25:31 -0600

Jay Lemke writes:
>In this perspective, a unit of analysis can be itself a
>process, or a system-in-process, a something-becoming rather than a

this is very helpful as i struggle to understand how to study the
intersection of the cultural and the personal. feminist and poststructural
theories describe a fluid, always-potentially-able-to-change identity and
i am interested in developing a framework to describe how cultural
constructs such as gender get internalized millions of times into an
individual's concept of self while always leaving open the possibility for
awareness of the self-system relationship and changing the pattern of
relationship. or the lack of awareness and still the possibility for


life's backwards,
life's backwards,
people, turn around.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^sinead o'connor and john reynolds
fire on babylon: universal mother^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Katherine_Goff who-is-at