ESL student success

Kate Garretson (SLAHC who-is-at CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU)
Mon, 17 Aug 98 15:34:22 EDT

Hi everyone,
I'm a regular lurker on XMCA who enjoys the
conversations immensely. I hope people who
post don't mind that I sometimes forward pieces
of the discussion to my MA students in Language
and Literacy. They really help us in our own
struggle with Vygotsky and socio-cultural theory
in general. So thank you to xmca for just being

I have a request, however. Does anyone remember
a post this winter in which someone described a study
of non-native speaker success in college? Successful
students seemed to possess self confidence rather
than a perfect mastery of English, I believe. I'd
like to cite the study, but can't track it down. If
anyone remembers seeing it, would you send me a clue?
Kate Garretson --kagkb who-is-at