Re: Diversity Issues & Resistant Students

diane celia hodges (dchodges who-is-at
Sat, 4 Oct 1997 13:33:39 -0700

At 2:03 PM 10/4/97, gkcunn01 who-is-at wrote:
>The standard technique of trying to teach classroom of white students that
>they should be ashamed of who they are because of the color of their skin
>is not going to work.


Whooooaaaa there - who said diversity education was about try to teach
white students to feel shame about the colour of their skin?
Methinks the shame is a consequence of learning about white privilege,
and because white privilege is most insidiously about denying white privilege,
the shame triggers hostility, a "how-dare-you" kind of defence.

it's not about how this-or-that person is white and so therefore
responsible for racism; but about how the dominant culture organizes its
insitutions and social structures to privilege the white folks - and the
recognition of that,

which, unfortunately, in individualistic idelogies such as those espoused
by white-conservative America, tends to get interpreted as

Anger is a good place to start asking the hard questions. Why does racism
make white people so angry when they, effectively, benefit from it?


"Every tool is a weapon if you hold it right"
(Ani Difranco)

diane celia hodges
faculty of graduate studies
(604) 253-4807 centre for the study of curriculum and
university of british columbia,
vancouver, british
columbia, canada V6T 1Z4

dchodges who-is-at