Re: textbooks, textoids, and genre

Ania Lian (Ania.Lian who-is-at
Thu, 25 Sep 1997 11:46:21 +1000 (EST)

I stayed away from it but decided to reduce my comments to few reference

On Wed, 24 Sep 1997, Russ Hunt wrote:

> way to think about it: a reference book is pull technology, a
> textbook is push technology.

Provided I understood the line of your posting correctly:

... and of course there is also a *point of view*: if no theory is
disinterested then no reference book, or article, is not at the same time
a textbook - a push technology, in your terms. Bourdieu would say that no
theory can be descriptive without being prescriptive. And in this sense if
the proof is in the pudding then again the function of the textbook boils
down to the role it is attributed by its users, i.e. to a point of
