job announcement in Japan

Hiroaki Ishiguro (h-ishi who-is-at
Thu, 28 Aug 1997 11:01:41 +0900

Dear xmca

This is a job announcement for a non-tenure-track professor of Tsukuba
univ. in Japan. If you like to know more, please access to professor

Hiroaki Ishiguro


Dear xmca,

University of Tsukuba is seeking applicants for
a non-tenure-track foreign professor either in
applied linguistics (TESL) or in the psychology
of language.

I would like to send the job announcement as follows
for xmca, because I am lookig for a socio-historical,
activity-theory-based, or Vygotyan person.
If you are interested in this job notice and
you have some questiion , please send me a e-mail

Yuji Moro
University of Tsukuba,
Insitute of Psychology
ymoro who-is-at
Tel +81-298-53-4615
Fax +81-298-53-6713

Master's Program in Education at the University of Tsukuba is

seeking applicants for a non-tenure-track foreign professor either in

applied linguistics (TESL) or in psychology of language.

Appointment begins on April 1, 1998.

Contract: Two years (extendable two more years, if the candidate
proves satisfactory).
For more detail, please get in touch with
Dr. Shosuke HARAGUCHI (e-mail: hara who-is-at

Duties: Teach graduate courses in TESL, psycholinguistics,

comparative studies of English and Japanese, English composition,

and/or language-skill courses at undergraduate and graduate levels.

Minimum qualifications: Ph. D. in applied linguistics (TESL) or

in psycholinguistics.

Minimum Annual Salary: approximately \6,000,000 or more

(depending on applicant's educational background and professional

carrer: Maximum Annual Salary will approximately be \12,000,000).

Please send a letter of application with curriculum vitae, list

of publications and three letters of recommendation to

Dr. Shosuke HARAGUCHI, Head

Course of Engish Education

Institute of Modern Languages and Cultures

University of Tsukuba

1-1-1, Tennoudai, Tsukuba-shi 305 JAPAN.

Closing Date: Applications received by August 31, 1997 will be

given preference in the screening process.

Yuji Moro
Institute of Psuchology, University of Tsukuba
Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, Japan
e-mail: ymoro who-is-at
Tel: +81-298-53-4615
Fax: +81-298-53-6713


   H I R O A K I I S H I G U R O

Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education,
Miyagi University of Education
Aramaki Aza Aoba, Aoba-ku, Sendai, 980 Japan
Phone/Fax: +81-22-214-3523 E-mail :h-ishi who-is-at