Literacy fellowship

Lyn Repath-Martos (lyn who-is-at HUMnet.UCLA.EDU)
Mon, 7 Jul 1997 15:52:22 -0800

Please send any inquiries to myoung who-is-at - thanks!
Literacy Leader Fellowship Program, 1997-98
WHO: Enthusiastic, innovative, and dedicated literacy workers and
adult learners who are already making a difference for literacy and are
committed to continuing to do so.
WHAT: A fellowship award of approximately $30,000 - $40,000 to
spend up to a year working on a self-designed, innovative, individual
project, with the option of spending the year [or part of the year] working
at the National Institute for Literacy headquarters and taking advantage of
the opportunities in Washington, DC.
Priority will be given to proposals that address one or more of the
following needs:
+ Raising Public Awareness about Literacy
+ Expanding the Use of Technology in Literacy Programs
+ Improving Accountability for Literacy Programs
+ Developing Leadership in Adult Learners
WHEN: Applications due August 4, 1997
Awards made September 15, 1997
HOW: For more information and an application, contact Meg Young at
myoung who-is-at or 202/632-1517, or send written requests to 800 Connecticut
Ave. NW, Suite 200, Washington DC 20006
NOTE: Projects that request funding for the following purposes are
**NOT** eligible for a fellowship award, and will not be considered during
the competition:
1. Tuition and fees for continuing the education of the applicant where
this is the sole or primary purpose of the project,
2. Planning and implementing fundraisers, and
3. General program operations and administration.