[1]RE>faith and dialectics

Geoffrey Williams (geoffrey.williams who-is-at english.su.edu.au)
29 Jul 1996 15:45:01 +1000

[1]RE>faith and dialectics 29/7/96

Geoff Williams is on study leave overseas. Your message will be forwarded
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Date: 8/6/96 2:27 AM
To: Geoffrey Williams
From: xmca who-is-at weber.ucsd.edu
I would like to say that I agree with what Eugene had to say
with regard to within/between group representation.
I would further like to add that sometimes representation
by members of our own ethnicity or gender doesn't ensure that they will
indeed be representing our interests. Some women politicians
have done more to set back women's rights than a lot of men
I can think of! I really think it's not fair to make sweeping
statements about who is qualified to represent whom--it is
better, in my opinion, to take it on a case by case basis.
Now, I'd like to qualify this slightly by saying that I would
be as happy as anyone else to see more women and minorities
in congress. I think that is something just about everyone
here can agree upon!

I think Eugene said all this already in a much more clear and eloquent
way, so I'll stop here. :-)

PAS94003 who-is-at UCONNVM.UCONN.EDU

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From: Pam <PAS94003 who-is-at UConnVM.UConn.Edu>
Subject: Re: faith and dialectics
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