Re: Re[2]: phonics politics

KEN GOODMAN (kgoodman who-is-at CCIT.ARIZONA.EDU)
Mon, 13 May 1996 00:12:34 -0700 (MST)

Thanks for your help on this Judy.

On Sun, 12 May 1996, Judy Diamondstone wrote:

> I am willing to synthesize xmca messages on this topic as a first
> stab at a collaborative response. Ken, I will include as data for
> the text the message I sent you & your response to it, unless you
> object. Would those who have commented on the Stone article here
> be willing to be co-authors? - Judy
> Judy Diamondstone
> Graduate School of Education
> Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
> 10 Seminary Place
> New Brunswick, NJ 08903
> diamonju who-is-at
> .................................................