Eva and the North Country -

Phillip Allen White (pwhite who-is-at carbon.cudenver.edu)
Sun, 5 May 1996 09:34:45 -0600 (MDT)

Jay's three pointed compass is not unlike Braudel's, in that when
Braudel writes of three hundred years of European history, capitalist
Northern Europe's most northern reaches some how ends around Amsterdam or
Antwerp. Further north is the Baltic regions, which provide endless
amounts of honey, timber, furs and some grains like rye. Perhaps twenty
sentences in a three thousand page work. All advancement came from the
usualy cities - Venice, Genoa, Florence, London, Antwerp and
Constantinople. Bits and pieces from Seville. Little from Paris. The
Hanseatic League might have prospered more if it hadn't been so inflexible.

Interesting, no?


pwhite. who-is-at carbon.cudenver.edu