Re: orchestration

lholzman who-is-at
Sat, 10 Feb 1996 15:08:59 -0500

To reply to Keith Sawyer, yes I am out here lurking! As you might recall, our
understnading/practice of improvisation is, for us, closely tied to
Vygotsky'sgreat insight that language completes rather than expresses thought
on the one hand, and to his other claim that the only "good learning" is
learning that leads development. Improvisational performance for both children
and adults is to me the developmental activity (in Vygotsky's tool-and-result
sense, rather than in an instrumental, mediational, tool for result sense).
Improvisation, creative imitation and performance are all tied together with
"being a head taller than you are" in the zpd.
Lois Holzman