[Xmca-l] Fwd: Funds of Knowledge Alliance

mike cole mcole@ucsd.edu
Thu Mar 18 18:23:08 PDT 2021

Dear Colleagues--  I received the following notice from Moises Esteban
Guitart in Barcelona today. I had no idea that there was a
Funds of Knowledge organization, but there is. Its nice to see the work of
Luis Moll and his colleagues has continued to learn and develop.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: MOISES ESTEBAN GUITART <moises.esteban@udg.edu>
Date: Thu, Mar 18, 2021 at 2:38 AM
Subject: Funds of Knowledge Alliance
To: mike cole <mcole@ucsd.edu>

If you would like to be part of the Funds of Knowledge Alliance
free to contact us:

The mission of the FoK_Alliance is to advance equity in education by
providing research and resources about policies and practices that promote
justice, inclusion and social cohesion. In particular, the alliance:

- Conducts applied research in collaboration with universities, schools,
policymakers, researchers, educators, and other stakeholders;
- Advance the funds of knowledge approach through an exchange of resources,
studies, and practices;
- Communicates the results of our work to multiple audiences and across
multiple media platforms.

Funds of Knowledge Alliance


I[image: Angelus Novus] <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angelus_Novus__;!!Mih3wA!Q_4B446RV_53sypPpRYqv92PeazlBtV9H-q4I3prAVHqqgJ0wj3B8UNgAFGJYotl6omaTg$ >The
Angel's View of History

The organism, by its life activities, creates what is outside.  So
organisms create the conditions of their own future
which is different from their past" Richard Lewontin

Cultural Praxis Website: https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://culturalpraxis.net__;!!Mih3wA!Q_4B446RV_53sypPpRYqv92PeazlBtV9H-q4I3prAVHqqgJ0wj3B8UNgAFGJYotFA354Jg$ 
Re-generating CHAT Website: re-generatingchat.com
Archival resources website: lchc.ucsd.edu.
Narrative history of LCHC:  lchcautobio.ucsd.edu.
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