[Xmca-l] Re: Krupskaya

David Kellogg dkellogg60@gmail.com
Sun Apr 25 19:23:57 PDT 2021


Have you looked in Andy's wonderful Marxist Internet Archive? There's quite
a bit, including an MP3 of Krupskaya herself speaking in 1937.


Those interested in the upcoming Lausanne Conference on Vygotsky and
Imagination. The organizing committee of the seminar has released the

Madame, Monsieur,

Chères et chers collègues,

 Vous êtes inscrit.e comme communiquant.e au VIIIème séminaire Vygotskij,
qui aurait dû se dérouler à Lausanne du 9 au 11 juin 2021.

 Pour des raisons liées à la pandémie, le comité d’organisation a décidé de
reporter la manifestation. Nous avons fait ce choix pour privilégier un
déroulement en présentiel autant que possible.

 Les dates retenues sont celles du *mercredi 17 au vendredi 19 novembre

 Ne pouvant garantir la présence physique de chacun.e, nous proposerons des
modalités  de participation à distance pour celles et ceux qui ne
pourraient pas nous rejoindre. Nous vous tiendrons informé.e.s au fur et à
mesure des  décisions que nous serons amenés à prendre en fonction de
l’évolution de la situation.

 Tout en souhaitant que ce message vous trouve en bonne santé et en vous
remerciant pour votre compréhension de la situation, nous vous adressons,
Madame, Monsieur, chères et chers collègues, nos cordiales salutations.

 Le Comité d’organisation


 Dear colleague,

You are registered as a speaker for the VIIIth Vygotskij Seminar, which
should have taken place in Lausanne from 9 to 11 June 2021.

 For reasons linked to the pandemic, the organizing committee has decided
to postpone the event. We made this choice in order to favor a face-to-face
event as much as possible.

The dates retained are *Wednesday 17 to Friday 19 November 2021.*

As we cannot guarantee the physical presence of everyone, we will propose
remote participation methods for those who cannot join us. We will keep you
informed of the decisions we will have to take as the situation develops.

 We hope that this message finds you in good health and thank you for your
understanding of the situation.

The organizing committee

 *SIV 2021*


 Haute école pédagogique Vaud

Avenue de Cour 33 - 1014 Lausanne

David Kellogg
Sangmyung University
New Article with Somayeh Afghanjani Kalkhoran in Language and Literature:  “And
that”: Halliday’s logogenesis, sociogenesis, and phylogenesis in  Darwin’s
tangled bank

New book forthcoming in 2021: L.S. Vygotsky's Pedological Works, Vol. II:
The Problem of Age. Translated with Prefatory Notes and Outlines by Nikolai
Veresov and David Kellogg

On Sun, Apr 25, 2021 at 6:07 PM Ulvi İçil <ulvi.icil@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
> Any book (pdf), repository in internet appreciated about Krupskaya (most
> preferably her being author but also on her life and work) especially on
> education, instruction and pedagogy (other than libgen and archive.org
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://archive.org__;!!Mih3wA!Qss3akLOuAevTc8Cg9zEzHSgQgtcUyTsvguMPWKzgokMXxaYfeJvW8cpv5xdaYgcx6IjAQ$>)
> Russian cw available.
> Preferably in English, French and Spanish.
> Thank you.
> Best wishes.
> Ulvi
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