[Xmca-l] request for help: syllabus for online cross-cultural human development seminar

Ageliki Nicolopoulou agn3@lehigh.edu
Wed May 13 05:57:15 PDT 2020

Dear xmcers,

As the likelihood of having classes online again in the fall increases, I
would like to be proactive.

I teach an upper division seminar titled "Human Development in
cross-cultural perspective" at my school here in the US. This is a small
upper division seminar with 16 students so I have conducted the course with
class discussion, class presentations and I have the students write two
papers and do one project that they present in class.

I need to put this course online for the fall semester. While the
university has not made a final decision, the writing is on the wall that
we're going to be online to a large degree. I'm not very familiar with
online pedagogy and what works or not etc.

So I would very much appreciate receiving a syllabus for an *online course*
similar to my own (Human Development from a cross-cultural/ cultural

Thanks in advance!
Ageliki Nicolopoulou
Ageliki Nicolopoulou, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
Lehigh University, Bethlehem PA
Personal Webpage: https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://lehigh.academia.edu/AgelikiNicolopoulou/About__;!!Mih3wA!Uvi7ZHeELa0mOC7y23PSrqB4-xrq2C2QE4t1WEXUaXdRwSsrzhGpzSlNDQXqBnnk61SJ9Q$ 
Departmental Webpage: https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://psychology.cas2.lehigh.edu/content/agn3__;!!Mih3wA!Uvi7ZHeELa0mOC7y23PSrqB4-xrq2C2QE4t1WEXUaXdRwSsrzhGpzSlNDQXqBnlbiP2EMA$ 
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