[Xmca-l] Re: Emotion as "Sputnik"

Annalisa Aguilar annalisa@unm.edu
Thu Jun 18 10:38:23 PDT 2020

Hi Phillip, Mike, Anthony, David, and welcomed others,

In sincerity, I was more interested in a comparison of a framework of understanding about learning and the mind of the student, than I was in arm wrestling.

I appreciated the Nuthall paper, thanks for that Phillip. I had thought that it might interest folks on the list that there is a system in existence that discusses quite specifically what assists in learning. I'd thought there might be some curiousity about it.

In it I recognize common points that correspond to Vygotsky's understanding of learning and development.

In this system of anubandha, there is an analysis of relationships and connections.

Generally, there is a sanctity concerning the relationship between the teacher and the student, which has been abolished in the present modern school systems. When I say sanctity I do not mean religious, or even spiritual. I mean a value that is not prosaic. I mean with regard to the responsibility that we have as a society to our youth to cultivate and nourish their learning. It's likely that that sense of sanctity has motivated many to become teachers in the first place. To serve the next generation.

One point of comparison, in what I'm calling "the anubandha system," which descriptive, though could be prescriptive, learning leads development, just like for Vygotsky.

I'm not promoting anubandha over Vygotsky. If there is a truth revealed in different systems, and different cultures, then it appears to confirm what is actually true.

If you are saying that this system is fascist, please explain how that is. I don't see it.

I do not see how anubandha has anything to do with fascism.

We do know Vygotsky's work was not completed. He was reaching to Spinoza for answers near the end of his life concerning the role of emotion in learning.

It's not *just* emotion. It's the quality of that emotion.

I suggest the missing pieces are considered and explained in anubhanda chatushtaya. I've not really thought about this that deeply, though as of late, I have felt more motivated to do that.

Fascism doesn't create sama, or uparati. It doesn't encourage inquiry and clearly fascism has no tolerance for doubt. Fascism is the antithesis of sama.

I'm quite perplexed about the subtext of the thread which seems to have gone past me. Forgive me. I seem to hav shown myself to be dense about it.

With that in mind, I might ask, please explain the Vygotsky-fascism connection.

Also happy Juneteenth.

Let's also celebrate the end of Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben on food products. I learned that Mars and Quaker food companies are removing those caricatures from their products. I'm curious with what new branding they will use to replace them.

Even NASCAR has decided not to allow the draping of the confederate flag at their car races.

Though as I write that, I'm recalling an article I saw yesterday of a long read in the NYT magazine, an interview with Jon Stewart. He claims all we do is fight about symbols rather than the actual issues. I'm inclined to agree:


I'm encouraged that Quaker, Mars and NASCAR are doing this, it's long overdue, but will taking down those symbols actually help us deal with the pernicious racism that is particular to American culture.

I suppose another way to phrase it would be, Will censoring fascists remove fascist thinking and its reproduction from our culture?

What symbols in our culture promote tranquility and objectivity?

What symbols in our culture promote love and kindness?

Kind regards,


From: xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu <xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu> on behalf of mike cole <mcole@ucsd.edu>
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2020 9:27 AM
To: eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity <xmca-l@mailman.ucsd.edu>
Subject: [Xmca-l] Re: Emotion as "Sputnik"


Very important, Phillip. And very difficult for people to keep in mind. God's always on OUR side.

"i think that it is really important to recognise that Vygotsky's theories of development and learning can be applied by fascist and nazis and white supremacy, all forms of repression and authoritarianism.  being a Vygotskian doesn't automatically mean one's enlightened."

On Thu, Jun 18, 2020 at 7:42 AM Anthony Barra <anthonymbarra@gmail.com<mailto:anthonymbarra@gmail.com>> wrote:

Let's remember: a slur is not an argument.  It is, more often than not, merely a debasing of oneself.

-Productive disagreement-


On Thu, Jun 18, 2020 at 10:14 AM White, Phillip <Phillip.White@ucdenver.edu<mailto:Phillip.White@ucdenver.edu>> wrote:
Annalisa - i was hoping that someone - preferably male - would pick up on the arm wrestling and find it problematic - but you have - great!

there is learning connected to arm-wrestling - and it's a recursive performance of hetero-normative masculinity - that men use power to decide - that men are active participants - women as passive - on the sidelines - sometimes they get to stamp their feet and attempt to intervene accusing the men of behaving like children - regardless, whether or not the men step back during the moment, their rivalry is the pivot point of multiple western civilisation narratives.

what's really disturbing is that Veresov, who had been in early childhood education, appears to have no grasp of male gendered sexist relationships.

so yes - you're right -  this is a particular sexist lesson, and it's so normalised that a Vygotskian educator doesn't ever recognise it.

i think that it is really important to recognise that Vygotsky's theories of development and learning can be applied by fascist and nazis and white supremacy, all forms of repression and authoritarianism.  being a Vygotskian doesn't automatically mean one's enlightened.

i think that this is especially pertinent during these times of Black Lives Matter and a fascist in the White House.



Crush human humanity out of shape once more, under similar hammers, and it will twist itself into the same tortured forms. Sow the same seed of rapacious license and oppression over again, and it will surely yield the same fruit, according to its kind.  C.Dickens.

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