[Xmca-l] "Air Force Lt. Gen. addresses cadets about racism incident"

Ulvi İçil ulvi.icil@gmail.com
Tue Jun 9 12:29:59 PDT 2020


Look at this please.

"They" completely...

As dominant class, as black population is part of this air force...

Ideological reproduction....


They discover equality...

Come on boy...

For whom do you really care?

Black people?

Or imperialist oppressive social order or its state?

As an organ of class oppression.

Fear in  their eyes.

Let's think that 13 % of air force, of the navy is black....Hmm mutinies on
the door...

There is a law of insurrection.

If it has a law, then it has a  legitimate material ( class and racial )

It shows the true direction: Seizure of Political power (of course a class
seizure by force. Why not it being saving itself as class power by armed
forced on a daily basis?).

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