[Xmca-l] Re: My Hometown Minneapolis

Haydi Zulfei haydizulfei@gmail.com
Sat Jun 6 04:06:20 PDT 2020

Anna Stetsenko used to be here known to CHAT people. Every now and then she
offers good pieces , says this couple of days before that she's going to
Occasio-Cortez's Dem Speech invites others to join . One could say Anna is
Rep. for one thing and Trump Rep. for another : "leave this country ; back
home where you were born" ; Irony of the civil rights ! Rep of the State
citizens should be endorsed not by the public law but by the Law in Person

                  The title :    If you’re surprised by how the police are
acting, you don’t understand US historyMalaika Jabali
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.theguardian.com/profile/malaika-jabali__;!!Mih3wA!XnRkPmdpJnCb1JELnFc_spIWLzcFkJdFM8Jmj_i7Pv8fMCgdT-stfI_c1NpugrxNCPSHig$ >

On Sat, Jun 6, 2020 at 3:15 PM Haydi Zulfei <haydizulfei@gmail.com> wrote:

> [image: image.png]
> On Sat, Jun 6, 2020 at 3:10 PM Haydi Zulfei <haydizulfei@gmail.com> wrote:
>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://public-api.wordpress.com/bar/?stat=groovemails-events&bin=wpcom_email_click&redirect_to=https*3A*2F*2Fthenextrecession.wordpress.com*2Fauthor*2Fbobmckee*2F&sr=1&signature=a679af3acf89dec28d40f0c861faa608&user=29219877&_e=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&_z=z__;JSUlJSUl!!Mih3wA!XnRkPmdpJnCb1JELnFc_spIWLzcFkJdFM8Jmj_i7Pv8fMCgdT-stfI_c1NpugryGO3IXhQ$ > Returning
>> to normal?
>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://public-api.wordpress.com/bar/?stat=groovemails-events&bin=wpcom_email_click&redirect_to=https*3A*2F*2Fthenextrecession.wordpress.com*2F2020*2F06*2F06*2Freturning-to-normal*2F&sr=1&signature=ab6d508bc455cdf3a0681c706e398004&user=29219877&_e=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&_z=z__;JSUlJSUlJSU!!Mih3wA!XnRkPmdpJnCb1JELnFc_spIWLzcFkJdFM8Jmj_i7Pv8fMCgdT-stfI_c1Npugrzz8Y0-jQ$ >
>> by michael roberts
>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://public-api.wordpress.com/bar/?stat=groovemails-events&bin=wpcom_email_click&redirect_to=https*3A*2F*2Fthenextrecession.wordpress.com*2Fauthor*2Fbobmckee*2F&sr=1&signature=a679af3acf89dec28d40f0c861faa608&user=29219877&_e=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&_z=z__;JSUlJSUl!!Mih3wA!XnRkPmdpJnCb1JELnFc_spIWLzcFkJdFM8Jmj_i7Pv8fMCgdT-stfI_c1NpugrxhAH85pw$ >
>> The recent release of the US jobs data for May, which apparently showed a
>> reduction in the unemployment rate from April, sparked a sharp rally in the
>> US stock market. And if you were to follow the stock markets of the major
>> economies, you would think that the world economy was racing back to normal
>> as the lockdowns imposed by most governments to combat the spread of
>> COVID-19 pandemic are relaxed and even ended.
>> The stock markets of the world, after dropping precipitately when the
>> lockdowns began, have rocketed back towards previous record levels over the
>> last two months. This rally has been driven, first, by the humungous
>> injections of money and credit into the financial system by the major
>> central banks.  This has enabled banks and companies to borrow at zero or
>> negative rates with credit guaranteed by the state, so no danger of loss
>> from default. At the same time, governments in the US, UK and Europe have
>> made direct bailout funds to major companies stricken by the lockdowns,
>> like airlines, auto and aircraft makers, leisure companies etc.
>> It’s a feature of the 21st century that central banks have become the
>> principal support mechanism for the financial system, propping up the
>> leverage that had grown during the ‘great moderation’ a phenomenon that I
>> detailed in my book, The Long Depression
>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.haymarketbooks.org/books/693-the-long-depression__;!!Mih3wA!XnRkPmdpJnCb1JELnFc_spIWLzcFkJdFM8Jmj_i7Pv8fMCgdT-stfI_c1NpugrxY2pMmMA$ >.  This
>> has combated the low profitability in the productive value-creating sectors
>> of the world capitalist economy.  Companies have increasingly switched
>> funds into financial assets where investors can borrow at very low rates of
>> interest to buy and sell stocks and bonds and make capital gains. The
>> largest companies have been buying back their own shares to boost prices.
>> In effect, what Marx called 'fictitious capital' has risen in ‘value’ while
>> real value has stagnated or fallen.
>> On Sat, Jun 6, 2020 at 2:29 PM Haydi Zulfei <haydizulfei@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> JUNE 4, 2020Our History is Our Future
>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.counterpunch.org/2020/06/04/our-history-is-our-future/__;!!Mih3wA!XnRkPmdpJnCb1JELnFc_spIWLzcFkJdFM8Jmj_i7Pv8fMCgdT-stfI_c1NpugrzaiPp8mw$ >by JOHN
>>> DAVIS <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.counterpunch.org/author/john-davis/__;!!Mih3wA!XnRkPmdpJnCb1JELnFc_spIWLzcFkJdFM8Jmj_i7Pv8fMCgdT-stfI_c1NpugrwMbTfXhQ$ >
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>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.counterpunch.org/2020/06/04/our-history-is-our-future/print/__;!!Mih3wA!XnRkPmdpJnCb1JELnFc_spIWLzcFkJdFM8Jmj_i7Pv8fMCgdT-stfI_c1NpugrzFq89urg$ >
>>> Christopher Columbus on Santa María in 1492, oil – Public Domain
>>> We can be sure that the public grandiloquence of Barack Obama grated
>>> mightily on at least half of the country during his eight years in the Oval
>>> Office. Now, we Libtards find every Trump tweet excruciatingly inane – or
>>> horrifyingly inflammatory. As ever, it is the style, not the content, of
>>> American political leadership that is in question. For Its neoliberal
>>> ideology has been unwavering for four decades and is but the contemporary
>>> version of an implicitly racist dedication to the well-being of the wealthy
>>> that was fundamental to the founding of the Republic. Committed to the
>>> economization of all facets of public and private life, we citizens are
>>> remade as human capital: mini entrepreneurs whose only civic duty is
>>> towards pumping up the GDP. This is what our government demands of us, and
>>> we would be foolish to expect more from it than further destruction of the
>>> public realm and further trivialization of the democratic process. Having
>>> relinquished our individual roles as a necessary part of the Republic’s
>>> sovereignty, our vote is rendered superfluous at a time of a viral
>>> pandemic, unprecedented unemployment and expectations of further economic
>>> dislocation likely to eclipse the melt-down of 2008.
>>> On a weekend when the nation’s streets exploded in violent protest
>>> against racialized police brutality, the President and the Vice President
>>> chose to attend a manned rocket launch contracted by SpaceX, a private
>>> corporation. Politics have been dethroned, the public realm abandoned and
>>> the public good forsaken. Trump is ascendant, his sun-bronzed, narcissistic
>>> gaze reflected in the ruddy glow of burning streets. His military, on high
>>> alert, awaits its orders.
>>> Our smoldering streets may no longer be safe for Trump’s ‘warriors’
>>> attempting, around the country, to fully re-open the American economy. Many
>>> will doubtless now enlist as his Law and Order ‘vigilantes’. Neoliberalism
>>> demands the appearance of vibrant, life-sustaining markets. Trump has seen
>>> the financial
>>> indices decline as the epidemic curve has arced skyward, but his focus
>>> has always been on economic rather than public health. He, and his
>>> ‘warriors’, are quite prepared to sacrifice ‘flattening the curve’ for the
>>> sake of a rising Dow but his calculus must now include appeasing his newly
>>> enrolled ‘vigilantes’ while not entirely disaffecting African Americans.
>>> Neoliberalism, as the SARS-CoV-2 viral pandemic and the uprising
>>> demonstrate, is this country’s comorbidity – a precondition making it
>>> extremely susceptible to both viral disease and to the recapitulation of
>>> long-ago racial injustice. In, The Road to Serfdom
>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0226320553/counterpunchmaga__;!!Mih3wA!XnRkPmdpJnCb1JELnFc_spIWLzcFkJdFM8Jmj_i7Pv8fMCgdT-stfI_c1NpugryP2xKUpw$ >,
>>> 1944, Friedrich Hayek, the Anglo-Austrian economist, explicitly equates the
>>> freedom of the individual with the unfettered workings of the market. By
>>> way of contrast, he identifies the centralized economic planning evidenced
>>> in National Socialism, Communism and Social Democracies as inevitably
>>> trending towards totalitarianism. He suggests that governments restrict all
>>> attempts to establish social objectives and by extension, any encouragement
>>> of the citizen’s role in shaping these objectives. In other words, he
>>> recommends abandoning both the social and the political realm in favor of
>>> the invisible hand of the market, a goal that continues to inform
>>> neoliberalism as it is practiced across Europe and the Americas, and is the
>>> ruling ideology that has shaped the United States since the election of
>>> Ronald Reagan in 1980. Hayek’s ideas, developed out of his deeply felt
>>> reaction to German and Soviet totalitarianism, have had disastrous
>>> consequences in the United States where the gross injustices of its past
>>> continue to haunt its present, and where its best moments have been
>>> enshrined in exactly the kind of social objectives, such as FDR’s New Deal
>>> and LBJ’s Great Society, that Hayek spurns.
>>> In the 1830’s, the two signature, home-grown horrors that have shaped
>>> American history, the genocidal eradication of indigenous peoples and
>>> slavery, coalesced in President Andrew Jackson’s ‘Indian Removals’ which
>>> aimed to deport a number of surviving Indian tribes to west of the
>>> Mississippi to make way for the establishment of further industrial cotton
>>> plantations. This expansion of slavery
>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1786636727/counterpunchmaga__;!!Mih3wA!XnRkPmdpJnCb1JELnFc_spIWLzcFkJdFM8Jmj_i7Pv8fMCgdT-stfI_c1Npugrz98_QRrA$ >was
>>> partly funded by securitized bonds, sold in New York, London, Paris, and
>>> other finance capitals, in a process that involved the financialization of
>>> human flesh. The violence necessary to convert slaves into a fungible
>>> commodity had existed for over two centuries, practiced in their initial
>>> capture in Africa, in their transportation, and in their work. The stain of
>>> slavery was then embedded in the capital generated by the cotton crop which
>>> went on to be invested in the Industrial Revolution and formed the basis
>>> for this country’s extravagant wealth. It is a wealth that has not been
>>> shared by most of its citizens.
>>> The highly visible murders of Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd, performed
>>> on the street and reprised endlessly as viral videos on social media, go to
>>> the heart of this country’s racialized hierarchies established in 1492 and
>>> then compounded in 1619, with the arrival of the first shipment of African
>>> slaves introduced to this country as stolen human capital. Neoliberalism
>>> has made human capital of us all, but has vastly accentuated the wealth
>>> divide because, as Piketty has shown, it is from investment and inherited
>>> wealth that the rich are made – not from an honest day’s work. The majority
>>> of the U.S. population, and certainly most African Americans, rely not on
>>> wealth from inheritance or investments, but on the mythology of the
>>> equitable rule of law and equal economic opportunity. As the looting
>>> component of the uprising suggests, egregious racialized murder exposes an
>>> awareness of this country’s endemic economic injustice.
>>> Nick Estes writes in, Our History is the Future
>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1786636727/counterpunchmaga__;!!Mih3wA!XnRkPmdpJnCb1JELnFc_spIWLzcFkJdFM8Jmj_i7Pv8fMCgdT-stfI_c1Npugrz98_QRrA$ >,
>>> 2019, “Indigenous elimination, in all its orientations, is the organizing
>>> principle of settler society.” In documenting the Lakota tribes’ struggles
>>> to prevent the Dakota Access Pipeline passing under, and across sacred
>>> indigenous lands, Estes lauds the ongoing struggles of native peoples to
>>> resist a colonizing civilization that possesses an overbearing commercial
>>> ethic which leaves little room for the recognition of other, non-material
>>> values. Across the continent, indigenous peoples regarded the native soil,
>>> along with its flora and fauna, as co-creators of their lives, and the
>>> concept of its individual ownership was unthinkable. Genocide after
>>> genocide has still not entirely eliminated their awareness of belonging to
>>> the land – ever in conflict with those who so clearly prize the value of
>>> individual ownership, property rights and, of course, the strange notion
>>> that the land belongs to them.
>>> It is in this country’s varied civilizational currents that the supreme
>>> value of the almighty dollar emerged. As a nation, we have bought and sold
>>> people, bought and sold the land’s natural beneficences, and now we have
>>> sold our sovereign right to vote to corporations that exist only to give
>>> succor to their owners and shareholders. The neoliberalism that was created
>>> out of a fear of totalitarianism has now made societies beholden to a
>>> totalized economy in which all is subsumed. Its values are those of the
>>> market, entirely blind to the human concerns of a richly diverse population
>>> many of whom it makes vulnerable to an ever increasing precarity in their
>>> livelihood, housing and health care. The current pandemic, natural
>>> disasters, debt crises, and recessions expose the venal character of this
>>> prevailing ideology, while emergency relief and bailouts are leveraged by
>>> the wealthy to expand capital in readiness for the next ‘recovery’ –
>>> widening the corrosive gulf between the rich and everybody else.
>>> As a Native American academic, Estes celebrates his peoples’ ongoing
>>> resistance to the dominant culture, established shortly after 1492. By
>>> declaring that “Our History is Our Future”, he is committing to a
>>> continuance of this struggle. White members of the dominant culture can
>>> find no such guidance in their past. We see our history reenacted in
>>> violence and racial injustice entirely too often to wish it to be our
>>> future. We suppress our past and fear our future for good reason.
>>> Neoliberalism has obliterated the conditions for democracy by
>>> concentrating wealth, eschewing the public good and causing civility to be
>>> drowned out by over-amplified, profit-seeking media. The democracy that now
>>> struggles to exist in this country, does so only as a fully financialized
>>> product fertilized by corporate money featuring a roster of politicians
>>> pitifully beholden to the special interests that support their reelection
>>> campaigns. Estes is right to reaffirm his peoples’ history. Our salvation
>>> might be in confronting ours.
>>> Join the debate on Facebook
>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.facebook.com/CounterPunch-official-172470146144666/__;!!Mih3wA!XnRkPmdpJnCb1JELnFc_spIWLzcFkJdFM8Jmj_i7Pv8fMCgdT-stfI_c1NpugryrkWv5sg$ >
>>> More articles by:JOHN DAVIS
>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.counterpunch.org/author/john-davis/__;!!Mih3wA!XnRkPmdpJnCb1JELnFc_spIWLzcFkJdFM8Jmj_i7Pv8fMCgdT-stfI_c1NpugrwMbTfXhQ$ >
>>> *John Davis* is an architect living in southern California. Read more
>>> of his writing at urbanwildland.org
>>> On Sat, Jun 6, 2020 at 3:58 AM HENRY SHONERD <hshonerd@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> IMHO
>>>> David says, "Perhaps American-centrism and American-exceptionalism is
>>>> in the way we read events rather than in the events themselves.” I am
>>>> thinking about what Andy Blunden said, something to the effect that every
>>>> experience is both mediated and un-mediated. Anthony seems to be looking
>>>> for something more objective, something that transcends ideology. David K.
>>>> might object that the facts of murderous and explotative British and French
>>>> colonialism and the brutality of the Chinese regime are simply the facts,
>>>> the kinds of facts that drive the passion and compassion of the people on
>>>> the street in the U.S. Let cool heads prevail? That is the Cartesian take.
>>>> The Spinoza turn in Vygotsky circles would conclude that without affect
>>>> (passion and compassion) reason is impossible. Perhaps Anthony’s quest is
>>>> Quixotic, laid out on the windmill. He’s certainly been a caballero about
>>>> his trouncing. I admire him for that.
>>>> Henry
>>>> On Jun 5, 2020, at 3:10 PM, David Kellogg <dkellogg60@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> (Is this thread American-centric? If so, 'twere a grievous fault. But
>>>> grievously hath Haydi answered it--I don't think anybody can consider his
>>>> dense, encyclopaedic blocks of text--the polar opposite of Anthony's
>>>> American-centric orthography as well as Anthony's style and content--in any
>>>> way American-centric....)
>>>> Perhaps American-centrism and American-exceptionalism is in the way we
>>>> read events rather than in the events themselves, Anthony. To me, the
>>>> situation in and around Washington DC looks very much like the situation in
>>>> and around Beijing in May1989. As in DC, Beijing had laws preventing the
>>>> entry of the armed forces other than those of the Beijing Military
>>>> Region into the city (the exclusion laws were actually written into the
>>>> Chinese constitution by Mao, who was always afraid of powerful military
>>>> opponents like Peng Dehuai and Lin Biao). The Beijing Military Region,
>>>> however, was loyal to the people of Beijing and to the General Secretary
>>>> Zhao Ziyang, and they opposed to a coup. So, as in DC, the "martial law"
>>>> forces were called to the city perimeter where they halted for several
>>>> weeks. As in DC, the provenance of the "martial law" forces were quite
>>>> mysterious--they didn't carry insignia and it later turned out that these
>>>> were forces personally loyal to two PLA warlords, the brothers Yang Baibing
>>>> and Yang Shangkun. As in DC, there were different waves of demonstrators
>>>> inside the city: someone put up artworks in the square (as the mayor did in
>>>> DC this morning) and others told people to go home and organize and not
>>>> stay to be massacred. And then, almost exactly thirty-one years ago, the
>>>> unmarked shock troops went in shooting, and at least a thousand people
>>>> died.  I hope that part is NOT like DC, but so far the "American
>>>> exceptionalists" have been proved wrong on every single detail.
>>>> Clorox on cloth? Gadzooks, Peg. Don't Americans have real N-94s yet? At
>>>> the very height of the Daegu outbreak people had to resort to cloth masks
>>>> (I don't think anybody used Clorox, though). Then the government brought in
>>>> a rationing system so that health care workers could get PPE, and the
>>>> extras are still rationed according to the numbers on registration cards:
>>>> we go to the pharmacy twice a week to pick up our ration of three masks. No
>>>> one is allowed onto a bus, a subway, or into a public building without one.
>>>> Yesterday I went hiking for two hours and whenever I saw someone coming
>>>> towards me they hastily put on a mask and bowed.
>>>> (Do you know, the largest factory for PPE in the USA, and possibly the
>>>> world until recently, is 3M in Minneapolis? There's a solid
>>>> transitional demand for a general strike--Masks for all! Occupy 3M!)
>>>> David Kellogg
>>>> Sangmyung University
>>>> New Article: Ruqaiya Hasan, in memoriam: A manual and a manifesto.
>>>> Outlines, Spring 2020
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>>>> New Translation with Nikolai Veresov: *L.S. Vygotsky's Pedological
>>>> Works* *Volume One: Foundations of Pedology*"
>>>>  https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789811505270__;!!Mih3wA!XnRkPmdpJnCb1JELnFc_spIWLzcFkJdFM8Jmj_i7Pv8fMCgdT-stfI_c1NpugrzVlt20hw$ 
>>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789811505270__;!!Mih3wA!Xp_sgr0_UzNqr7vRI1XOMts503dCWTEnbJj5gRjnZG4dhhNbDC9HkM8UT-m4O5QTbNA7-g$>
>>>> On Fri, Jun 5, 2020 at 6:30 PM Anthony Barra <anthonymbarra@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Thank you, I'll take a look. Sounds similar to dialectics, little I
>>>>> know of both.
>>>>> On Thursday, June 4, 2020, Richard Beach <rbeach@umn.edu> wrote:
>>>>>> Anthony, the concept of “expansive learning” posits that
>>>>>> objects/motive in activity are ideally always open to
>>>>>> change/transformation—that they are never fixed given that as participants
>>>>>> encounter new contradictions/challenges, they “learn to”/formulate new
>>>>>> objects/motives. This requires learners to be open to exploring optional
>>>>>> actions/tools/norms as they redefine/revise their ever expanding
>>>>>> objects/motives.
>>>>>> Coping with decades-long racist practices in Minneapolis, requires
>>>>>> “expansive learning” to continually experiment with new objects/motives
>>>>>> given that some of the tools/practices attempted in the past haven’t
>>>>>> necessarily worked, although attempts were made to do so, only to be
>>>>>> blocked by a timid political leadership
>>>>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.startribune.com/in-2008-we-had-a-reform-plan-for-the-mpd-it-got-derailed-by-politics/570998162/__;!!Mih3wA!SLGpQj8PmApHqKlEeH3z-ohB8R76qeqnpglVMrj9N2HOiJRn_QxL9FXpHMmS9eXEdK2Cgg$>
>>>>>> .
>>>>>> For more on expansive learning theory, see attached reports:
>>>>>> Engeström,Y., & Sannino, A. (2010). Studies of expansive learning:
>>>>>> Foundations, findings and future challenges. *Educational Research
>>>>>> Review, 5*, 1–24.
>>>>>> Sannino, A., Engeström, Y., & Lemos, M. (2016). Formative
>>>>>> interventions for expansivelearning and transformative agency. *Journal
>>>>>> of the Learning Sciences, 25*(4), 599-633.
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