[Xmca-l] Re: Philosophie des Geistes?

Andy Blunden andyb@marxists.org
Fri Jul 24 02:03:04 PDT 2020

Collingwood is great. Hard to get hold of work I think.

And yes, /Geist /is an activity. Many writers of our day 
agree with that.


*Andy Blunden*
Hegel for Social Movements <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://brill.com/view/title/54574__;!!Mih3wA!QF2Dcu6tNVtc6QgFIIOvgcPzUedUPmYqhk6DpQSkkz2IHkcFeGKyJETmpyCEKAFo2KY2Qg$ >
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On 24/07/2020 6:28 pm, WEBSTER, DAVID S. wrote:
> Mind, Hegel and Collingwood
> The mind seems to be not so much that which thinks as the 
> thinking itself; it is not an active thing so much  as an 
> activity (Religion & Philosophy 1916 p.100) -  if you want 
> to know the mind of a cobbler, then study the boots he has 
> made
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu 
> <xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu> on behalf of Andy 
> Blunden <andyb@marxists.org>
> *Sent:* 24 July 2020 05:04
> *To:* xmca-l@mailman.ucsd.edu <xmca-l@mailman.ucsd.edu>
> *Subject:* [Xmca-l] Re: Philosophie des Geistes?
> There is nothing "crude" about Hegel's Philosophy of 
> Spirit. It has almost innumerable grades of mind between 
> the indeterminate "feeling" which might cause a new-born 
> to cry without any kind of awareness, up to political 
> action to resolve the social problem at the root of the 
> "disturbance." All these are states of a whole body and 
> its relation to its environment. Hegel does talk about 
> "expulsion" where are person takes action - shouting, 
> sobbing, .. - to relieve the feeling, a process which can 
> be more or less rational. But he does not have a mental 
> state over there and a body over there, or one expressing 
> itself in the other. Probably my analogy of hand-waving 
> was inappropriate. That's obviously not the same as your 
> hair standing on end when you get a creepy feeling or the 
> stomach ache which tells you it's dinner time.
> andy
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> *Andy Blunden*
> Hegel for Social Movements 
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://brill.com/view/title/54574__;!!Mih3wA!SuCLv6fToTs8KM3N6g5Oqmfo51K9S2o9La2_xoAra5L1003TxFvIhV_9eW_a_u5bbHvFUA$>
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> On 24/07/2020 7:01 am, David Kellogg wrote:
>> Well, it's not me turning it around, of course. The 
>> James-Lange theory is what it is: you perceive something, 
>> your viscera or vasomotor muscles respond, and the 
>> emotion is the feeling of that happening to you. Lange, 
>> at any rate, seems to be thinking of the male sexual 
>> response.
>> I think that's why Dewey says that Hegel's anticipation 
>> of the theory is crude. Vygotsky wouldn't (and doesn't) 
>> agree that an emotion is "expressed". An emotion is not a 
>> mental state of affairs expressed in physiological 
>> changes in the viscera/vasomotor muscles or contrariwise 
>> a change in the visceral/vascular state of 
>> affairs expressed in a mental one. (For that very reason, 
>> I think that Vygotsky wouldn't agree with Andy's waving 
>> analogy....)
>> Spinoza uses the term "affect" or "affection" instead. It 
>> means more or less what it sounds like: the way in which 
>> a body is affected by the environment and vice versa. 
>> This can either increase or decrease the potential for a 
>> body for activity. The problem is that in order to make 
>> this a theory of specifically human emotions, this 
>> activity has to include the "activity" of making 
>> meanings, and Spinoza can't seem to address THAT issue 
>> without slipping into psycho-physical parallelism. 
>> (Halliday can, though....)
>> :
>> David Kellogg
>> Sangmyung University
>> New Article: Ruqaiya Hasan, in memoriam: A manual and a 
>> manifesto.
>> Outlines, Spring 2020
>> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://tidsskrift.dk/outlines/article/view/116238__;!!Mih3wA!QF2Dcu6tNVtc6QgFIIOvgcPzUedUPmYqhk6DpQSkkz2IHkcFeGKyJETmpyCEKAFbWCftnA$  
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>> New Translation with Nikolai Veresov: /L.S. Vygotsky's 
>> Pedological Works/ /Volume One: Foundations of Pedology/"
>> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789811505270__;!!Mih3wA!QF2Dcu6tNVtc6QgFIIOvgcPzUedUPmYqhk6DpQSkkz2IHkcFeGKyJETmpyCEKAFQWbqq9A$ 
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>> On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 8:19 PM Andy Blunden 
>> <andyb@marxists.org <mailto:andyb@marxists.org>> wrote:
>>     No, don't turn it around. The point is that organs
>>     are subordinate parts of the whole organism. The
>>     emotion /is/ the state of a whole organism, in
>>     particular, a mental state. Like a hand expresses a
>>     feeling when we wave to someone.
>>     andy
>>     ------------------------------------------------------------
>>     *Andy Blunden*
>>     Hegel for Social Movements
>>     <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://brill.com/view/title/54574__;!!Mih3wA!W1x0zBm8fkXksY2M64OKgpNL_TPx1e8eTQyWJEtxUBueZNW1leqHSuR9yBEWIW_pdhtxwg$>
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>>     On 23/07/2020 8:55 pm, David Kellogg wrote:
>>>     Thanks, Andy--this is it!
>>>     "In physiology the viscera and the organs are
>>>     treated merely as parts subservient to the animal
>>>     organism; but they form at the same time a physical
>>>     system for the expression of mental states, and in
>>>     this way they get quite another interpretation."
>>>     The only problem is the word "expression". In the
>>>     James-Lange theory, the mental states are the
>>>     expression of the viscera and the organs. But
>>>     perhaps that's what Hegel really means here: the
>>>     viscera and organs are a system that expresses a
>>>     state which we interpret as an emotion.
>>>     (I remember a dear friend of mine getting a messy
>>>     divorce and remarking, when I worried that he was
>>>     losing a lot of weight, that it wasn't his heart
>>>     that was broken but his stomach....)
>>>     David Kellogg
>>>     Sangmyung University
>>>     New Article: Ruqaiya Hasan, in memoriam: A manual
>>>     and a manifesto.
>>>     Outlines, Spring 2020
>>>     https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://tidsskrift.dk/outlines/article/view/116238__;!!Mih3wA!QF2Dcu6tNVtc6QgFIIOvgcPzUedUPmYqhk6DpQSkkz2IHkcFeGKyJETmpyCEKAFbWCftnA$ 
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>>>     New Translation with Nikolai Veresov: /L.S.
>>>     Vygotsky's Pedological Works/ /Volume One:
>>>     Foundations of Pedology/"
>>>     https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789811505270__;!!Mih3wA!QF2Dcu6tNVtc6QgFIIOvgcPzUedUPmYqhk6DpQSkkz2IHkcFeGKyJETmpyCEKAFQWbqq9A$ 
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>>>     On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 5:19 PM Andy Blunden
>>>     <andyb@marxists.org <mailto:andyb@marxists.org>> wrote:
>>>         If you're interested in s. 401, then you'll
>>>         probably be interested in 402 as well.
>>>         One other possibility: The "official" way of
>>>         citing Hegel nowadays is to cite the page no. in
>>>         the authoritative version of /Hegel Werke/. The
>>>         German word for "page" is /Seite/, so you would
>>>         say "S. 401" of the /Enc/, This turns out also
>>>         to be an interesting passage of the Subjective
>>>         Spirit, on Self-consciousness, concerned with
>>>         the infamous Master-Slave dialectic, though in a
>>>         much reduced form, not like in the
>>>         /Phenomenology of Spirit/.
>>>         See p. 401 in the other attachment, ENZYKl3.PDF,
>>>         in German. English translation is here:
>>>         https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/hegel/works/sp/suconsci.htm*SU428__;Iw!!Mih3wA!QF2Dcu6tNVtc6QgFIIOvgcPzUedUPmYqhk6DpQSkkz2IHkcFeGKyJETmpyCEKAEuML0Hwg$ 
>>>         <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/hegel/works/sp/suconsci.htm*SU428__;Iw!!Mih3wA!V5yS3WiqsE4SSOtcY1SJElXpnzzhFH035NnO1lZ49z3QJYH4kQO68Wccu2Y86C642xXiTQ$>
>>>         Andy
>>>         ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>         *Andy Blunden*
>>>         Hegel for Social Movements
>>>         <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://brill.com/view/title/54574__;!!Mih3wA!V5yS3WiqsE4SSOtcY1SJElXpnzzhFH035NnO1lZ49z3QJYH4kQO68Wccu2Y86C4MltIy3g$>
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>>>         On 23/07/2020 5:47 pm, Andy Blunden wrote:
>>>>         The Philosophy of Spirit is the Third Part of
>>>>         the Encyclopaedia, itself composed of three parts:
>>>>           * Subjective Spirit, which is commonly taken
>>>>             as Psychology
>>>>           * Objective Spirit, which is commonly taken
>>>>             as Social Theory, and
>>>>           * Absolute Spirit, which covers Art,
>>>>             religion, Science and Philosophy.
>>>>         The Encyclopaedia has numbered paragraphs.
>>>>         These do vary between 2 or  editions, but these
>>>>         will be limited probably by those translated
>>>>         into English,
>>>>         I would start with the 1930 version"
>>>>         https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/hegel/works/sp/susoul.htm*SU401__;Iw!!Mih3wA!QF2Dcu6tNVtc6QgFIIOvgcPzUedUPmYqhk6DpQSkkz2IHkcFeGKyJETmpyCEKAF8kawdjw$ 
>>>>         <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/hegel/works/sp/susoul.htm*SU401__;Iw!!Mih3wA!UcUFXSCRfRh-5aW0-7m25WJ_9mWTvjd1a6nOCEuF7RAbpt35sEPbx38XfvY3Rj0va8zujw$>
>>>>         - a very early stage in the development of
>>>>         mental life, or.
>>>>         The 1817 version has
>>>>         https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/hegel/works/sp/sspirit.htm*SS399__;Iw!!Mih3wA!QF2Dcu6tNVtc6QgFIIOvgcPzUedUPmYqhk6DpQSkkz2IHkcFeGKyJETmpyCEKAFl5e1wRA$ 
>>>>         <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/hegel/works/sp/sspirit.htm*SS399__;Iw!!Mih3wA!UcUFXSCRfRh-5aW0-7m25WJ_9mWTvjd1a6nOCEuF7RAbpt35sEPbx38XfvY3Rj24gIDBAA$>
>>>>         - this version puts s. 401 at the beginning of
>>>>         a version of Objective Spirit.
>>>>         The 1830 one, above, has a long Note to it
>>>>         written by his students on the basis of Hegel's
>>>>         lectures which is a long discourse on the
>>>>         development of thinking from sensation. I am
>>>>         thinking this is what you mean. I will
>>>>         photocopy it and send it on.
>>>>         Andy
>>>>         ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>         *Andy Blunden*
>>>>         Hegel for Social Movements
>>>>         <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://brill.com/view/title/54574__;!!Mih3wA!UcUFXSCRfRh-5aW0-7m25WJ_9mWTvjd1a6nOCEuF7RAbpt35sEPbx38XfvY3Rj2Rs_DLCQ$>
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>>>>         On 23/07/2020 5:09 pm, David Kellogg wrote:
>>>>>         We are trying to turn Vygotsky's "Teaching on
>>>>>         Emotion" into one of those cartoon books that
>>>>>         are so popular here in Korea (e.g. the "Why?"
>>>>>         series). It's not Vygotsky for dummies, but it
>>>>>         will have a lot of pictures with questions and
>>>>>         answers alongside Vygotsky's rather difficult
>>>>>         text.
>>>>>         We've got to figure out the text first. For
>>>>>         example, what does John Dewey mean when he says:
>>>>>         "On the historical side, it may be worth
>>>>>         noting that a crude anticipation of James'
>>>>>         theory is found in Hegel's Philosophie des
>>>>>         Geistes, 401."?
>>>>>         Did Hegel ever write a Philosophie des
>>>>>         Geistes? If so, does the number refer to a
>>>>>         page number or a section or what?
>>>>>         https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://brocku.ca/MeadProject/Dewey/Dewey_1895.html__;!!Mih3wA!QF2Dcu6tNVtc6QgFIIOvgcPzUedUPmYqhk6DpQSkkz2IHkcFeGKyJETmpyCEKAHI7manrw$ 
>>>>>         <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://brocku.ca/MeadProject/Dewey/Dewey_1895.html__;!!Mih3wA!RLGVUv48gomTR2KJ99jcR-ruYcur4TKLR3u-7WeR_HhShIfYJpHP0U7EwICkluTj4uvZOA$>
>>>>>         David Kellogg
>>>>>         Sangmyung University
>>>>>         New Article: Ruqaiya Hasan, in memoriam: A
>>>>>         manual and a manifesto.
>>>>>         Outlines, Spring 2020
>>>>>         https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://tidsskrift.dk/outlines/article/view/116238__;!!Mih3wA!QF2Dcu6tNVtc6QgFIIOvgcPzUedUPmYqhk6DpQSkkz2IHkcFeGKyJETmpyCEKAFbWCftnA$ 
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>>>>>         New Translation with Nikolai Veresov: /L.S.
>>>>>         Vygotsky's Pedological Works/ /Volume One:
>>>>>         Foundations of Pedology/"
>>>>>         https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789811505270__;!!Mih3wA!QF2Dcu6tNVtc6QgFIIOvgcPzUedUPmYqhk6DpQSkkz2IHkcFeGKyJETmpyCEKAFQWbqq9A$ 
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