[Xmca-l] Re: Juukan Gorge

John Cripps Clark john.crippsclark@deakin.edu.au
Wed Dec 9 02:17:01 PST 2020

I know that some members of the list were interested in the destruction of Juukan Gorge when it occurred. The Parliamentary inquiry has just released an interim report <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Joint/Northern_Australia/CavesatJuukanGorge/Interim_Report__;!!Mih3wA!Q4J4WT8NtgI4CcLWMhTgYz8LhXhV34tXBAsCdJe3pHYuZMzpqwBc_t_lrdJ3YOkYXFi-HQ$ >
Below is the press release
John Cripps Clark

‘Never again can we allow the destruction, the devastation and the vandalism of cultural sites as has occurred with the Juukan Gorge—never again!’
The report highlights the disparity in power between Indigenous peoples and industry in the protection of Indigenous heritage, and the serious failings of legislation designed to protect Indigenous heritage and promote Native Title.
‘The PKKP faced a perfect storm, with no support or protection from anywhere,’
‘They were let down by Rio Tinto, the Western Australian Government, the Australian Government, their own lawyers, and Native Title law.’
‘In making these recommendations today, the Committee and I want to break that cycle. The neglect of the PKKP people stops here.’
The report makes seven recommendations focusing on improving relations between industry and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and improving the legislative framework protecting Indigenous heritage.
Among other things, it urges Rio Tinto to commit to:

  *   A moratorium on mining in the Juukan Gorge area
  *   Rehabilitation of the Juukan Gorge site
  *   A review of all agreements with Traditional Owners
  *   A stay of all actions under s.18 of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972
  *   A voluntary moratorium on s.18 applications
  *   A return of all artefacts to the Puutu Kunti Kurrama and Pinikura peoples
Other sections of the mining industry are urged to make similar commitments, while the Western Australian Government is urged to pursue urgent reform of current State laws. The Committee also recommends on urgent review of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Heritage Protection Act 1984<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/C2016C00937__;!!Mih3wA!Q4J4WT8NtgI4CcLWMhTgYz8LhXhV34tXBAsCdJe3pHYuZMzpqwBc_t_lrdJ3YOkf9T-hag$ >, and changes to its application and administration in the meantime.

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