[Xmca-l] Re: General check-in?

PERRET-CLERMONT Anne-Nelly Anne-Nelly.Perret-Clermont@unine.ch
Sun Apr 19 09:45:45 PDT 2020

Greetings from Switzerland !
Latour’s questions (see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.bruno-latour.fr/node/852.html__;!!Mih3wA!SOLGD7fIZOfwnOv18GIEYWXP9cq9svnmL1ZQIMFJjxNQqkQ8kywFVgT1lQSjeBtPSHc7ew$  ) are really difficult ones. Let me reproduce them here:

: Question 1 : What are some suspended activities that you would like to see not coming back ? Question 2 : Describe why this activity seems to you to benoxious/superfluous/dangerous/incoherent and how its disappearance/putting on hold/substitution. Question 3 : What kinds of measures do you advocate so that workers/employees/agents/entrepreneurs, who can no longer continue in the activities that you have

eliminated, are able to facilitate the transition to other activities ? Question 4 : What are the activities, now suspended, that you hope might develop/begin again, or even be created from scratch ?Question 5 : Describe how this activity appears to be positive to you, and how it makes other activities easier/more harmonious/coherent that you prefer and can fight against those that you judge to be

inapproporiate. (Write a separate paragraph for each of the activities listed under 4). Question 6 : What kinds of measures do you advocate to help

workers/employees/agents/entrepreneurs to acquire capacities/means/finances/instruments allowing forrestarting/development/creation of this activity ? (Now find a way to compare your description with that of other participants. By tabling and then superimposing the answers, you should start to build up a picture composed of conflicting lines, alliances, controversies and oppositions

At first sight, it seems easy to answer  these questions (e.g.: I would like: inclusive education promoting respect for all the variety of professional activities that are respectful of human life and environment; research with professionals on their activities in order to make them more respectful of human life and environment; a more equilibrated society with fewer inequalities ; much less traffic and a lot more public transportation and inexpensive taxis; less consumption and more creative activities/spaces/exchanges; political life that is not centred on obtaining votes; etc.)

But as soon as I try to answer these questions, in fact, I can see that they are very difficult questions. They set an agenda for interdisciplinary and inter-professional  and inter-national research. It requires revisiting our paradigms and methodologies. And the result should not be "impact" (?) factors in terms of number of publications. In-depth research and thinking is required in dialogue with actions in a back-and-forth movement. Research about issues that can  have their origin in scientific, political and philosophical debates/results but also research about questions raised by the field, professionals, citizens, young people, etc.

Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont
University of Neuchâtel

De : <xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu<mailto:xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu>> on behalf of Robert Lake <boblake@georgiasouthern.edu<mailto:boblake@georgiasouthern.edu>>
Répondre à : "eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity" <xmca-l@mailman.ucsd.edu<mailto:xmca-l@mailman.ucsd.edu>>
Date : jeudi, 16 avril 2020 à 16:45
À : "eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity" <xmca-l@mailman.ucsd.edu<mailto:xmca-l@mailman.ucsd.edu>>
Objet : [Xmca-l] Re: General check-in?

Greetings from South Georgia USA everyone!
I will get right to the point in response to what we would like to see changed and replaced.
The harvesting of trees for paper products and the use of  alternative plant based sources such as
elephant grass and kenaf. Wouldn't it be amazing to see these planted alongside all of the highways and homes as a  literal "grassroots" movement reminiscent of Gandhi's spinning wheels and cotton?
Thank-you Helena, Alfredo, Greg and everyone for checking in on us and for inspiring us to "go meta"
as Jerome Bruner used to call it.
Robert Lake
Borges Gomes, F. J., Colodette, J. L., Burnet, A., Ribas Batalha, L. A., and Barbosa, B. M. (2013). "Potential of elephant grass for pulp production," BioRes. 8(3), 4359-4379.

On Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 10:04 AM Greg Thompson <greg.a.thompson@gmail.com<mailto:greg.a.thompson@gmail.com>> wrote:
Just wanted to point back to the collective document that Alfredo initiated that included responses to Latour's challenge and to share some of the answers (below) that our colleagues provided. Here is the link:

And here are some of the initial responses to things that people would like to see changed (there are definitely some themes emerging - standardized testing, commuting (and travel) - but I wonder if others might want to offer some new and novel (more radical?) ideas about things that have been halted that we would like to see remain halted):

Helena Worthen: Single person cars, to be replaced by electric bicycles for short trips, public transport for longer trips, with tearing up of acres of asphalt to be replaced by farms and parks.

Diana Arya:  (1) School-wide testing, which is a HUGE waste of time and pulls all attentional resources to score performance rather than authentic engagement in literacies. (2) Commutes for engaging in activities that can be done equally as well in virtual spaces. (3) Shopping for anything other than food (can mail back any item ordered online that doesn’t fit/work).

Zaza: (1) the corporate emphasis on growth and development (in the form of “Goals” or “OKRs” or “KPIs”) that really about seeing how much business you can generate not what you have learned or how you have grown or even how that growth will contribute to your work.

Wendy: 1. ‘Unnecessary’ journeys in private vehicles; 2. Half-filled airplane flights, carrying people on ‘cheap’ (environmentally un-costed) journeys; 3. Long, test-filled school days

GregT: Long commutes (maybe short ones too). Here in Utah, the air is cleaner than its ever been in the Winter when we usually suffer from “inversions” where the polluted air is trapped in the valleys by the surrounding mountains.

On Tue, Apr 14, 2020 at 2:40 PM Alfredo Jornet Gil <a.j.gil@ils.uio.no<mailto:a.j.gil@ils.uio.no>> wrote:
Thanks Anne-Nelly. I haven’t yet answered myself, haven’t got the time to sit back and reflect yet (for some, the isolation is slowing down, for others it means frenetic activity all the time…). Will do my best to find the time by the end of the week though.

And I wanted to say that anyone in this list may insert answers without necessarily having to write their (real) name. Anything to mark that there is a new entry should suffice. I am thinking of anyone who might want to contribute but who for one or another reason may prefer to stay anonymous.



From: <xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu<mailto:xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu>> on behalf of PERRET-CLERMONT Anne-Nelly <Anne-Nelly.Perret-Clermont@unine.ch<mailto:Anne-Nelly.Perret-Clermont@unine.ch>>
Reply to: "eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity" <xmca-l@mailman.ucsd.edu<mailto:xmca-l@mailman.ucsd.edu>>
Date: Tuesday, 14 April 2020 at 22:31
To: "eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity" <xmca-l@mailman.ucsd.edu<mailto:xmca-l@mailman.ucsd.edu>>
Subject: [Xmca-l] Re: General check-in?

Thanks Alfredo.
I have already tried to answer this questionnaire several times. I observe changes in my answers… due to social interactions, growing sensibility, experience of the changes induced by covid19…

Prof. em. Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont
Institut de psychologie et éducation Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines
Université de Neuchâtel
Espace Tilo-Frey 1 (Anciennement: Espace Louis-Agassiz 1)
CH- 2000 Neuchâtel (Suisse)

De : <xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu<mailto:xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu>> on behalf of Alfredo Jornet Gil <a.j.gil@ils.uio.no<mailto:a.j.gil@ils.uio.no>>
Répondre à : "eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity" <xmca-l@mailman.ucsd.edu<mailto:xmca-l@mailman.ucsd.edu>>
Date : samedi, 11 avril 2020 à 22:47
À : "eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity" <xmca-l@mailman.ucsd.edu<mailto:xmca-l@mailman.ucsd.edu>>, Kloetzer Laure privé <laure.kloetzer@gmail.com<mailto:laure.kloetzer@gmail.com>>
Objet : [Xmca-l] Re: General check-in?

One way could be compiling them in a google docs. Each question could be written as a heading, and under each heading, each participat writes name in Bold and then answer in body type. Would this work and would people be willing to fill in? If yes, here is a Google doc anyone could fill in:



From: <xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu<mailto:xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu>> on behalf of Helena Worthen <helenaworthen@gmail.com<mailto:helenaworthen@gmail.com>>
Reply to: "eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity" <xmca-l@mailman.ucsd.edu<mailto:xmca-l@mailman.ucsd.edu>>
Date: Saturday, 11 April 2020 at 22:37
To: "laure.kloetzer@gmail.com<mailto:laure.kloetzer@gmail.com>" <laure.kloetzer@gmail.com<mailto:laure.kloetzer@gmail.com>>, "eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity" <xmca-l@mailman.ucsd.edu<mailto:xmca-l@mailman.ucsd.edu>>
Subject: [Xmca-l] Re: General check-in?

Hi, Laure — It looks as if each group to which this is disseminated has to collect its own results and share them among themselves.  I wish we could compile results across xmca at least to see which are the two activities chosen by this widespread community.


Helena Worthen
helenaworthen.wordpress.com<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://helenaworthen.wordpress.com__;!!Mih3wA!SOLGD7fIZOfwnOv18GIEYWXP9cq9svnmL1ZQIMFJjxNQqkQ8kywFVgT1lQSjeBuGB2z_Jw$ >

On Apr 11, 2020, at 12:48 PM, Laure Kloetzer <laure.kloetzer@gmail.com<mailto:laure.kloetzer@gmail.com>> wrote:

Good evening,

In Neuchâtel, we sent an adapted version of the Latour questionnaire to our students for gathering their own reflections, with the goal to discuss them altogether after all this.
Take care,
Laure Kloetzer

Le sam. 11 avr. 2020 à 21:46, Helena Worthen <helenaworthen@gmail.com<mailto:helenaworthen@gmail.com>> a écrit :
The Latour exercise that Anne-Nelly provides is really provocative!!! I did it; it takes 10-15 minutes and helped me clarify my thinking.

Thank you.  Here’s the link again:


Helena Worthen
helenaworthen.wordpress.com<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://helenaworthen.wordpress.com/__;!!Mih3wA!SOLGD7fIZOfwnOv18GIEYWXP9cq9svnmL1ZQIMFJjxNQqkQ8kywFVgT1lQSjeBvoTtqqcQ$ >

On Apr 10, 2020, at 8:48 PM, mike cole <mcole@ucsd.edu<mailto:mcole@ucsd.edu>> wrote:

Hi Anna-Lisa. What you describe has great similarities what people in the US are experiencing with the exception that it is now clear for all to see that it is poverty, or the security of the vulnerable (same thing in my view).

Thanks very much for the Latium letter.  It is totally relevant right now.


On Fri, Apr 10, 2020 at 9:38 AM PERRET-CLERMONT Anne-Nelly <Anne-Nelly.Perret-Clermont@unine.ch<mailto:Anne-Nelly.Perret-Clermont@unine.ch>> wrote:
Hello everybody!

Thank you so much for all the news and perspectives that are being shared from all over the Planet. Such difficult times, especially for those who can’t even send news...

Some news from Switzerland, a privileged country, yet with very serious contamination rates. Almost 4 weeks of confinement (rights to go out are very limited and only a limited number of professions are still working) that totally re-organize our private and public life.

The sun is shining wonderfully and it is very tempting  to move out for this Easter holiday. Nevertheless, most people are very disciplined and stay home in confinement.
It took a lot of time for the local, cantonal and federal authorities to decide on the confinement measures. Switzerland’s political traditions impose  bottom-up decisions. But the result of this (too slow?) process seems to be that most people agree and comply with this policy. Police forces try to do education and not  repression. But the peak of the tide of contamination has not been reached yet and hospitals are under stress.

The economic stress due to this long shut down arises a lot of fear on the side of trade unions and employers associations. Switzerland has very large multinational companies, but 90% of its firms are small or medium size business. Quite a number of them are now reaching the edge of  bankruptcy. If they should go bankrup,t this would totally disorganise the country, its daily style of life and more: small firms and their locations impact regional demography, resources, power (in a federation of cantons), etc.  after compulsory education, 60% of the young people attend dual education (i.e. half time in firms and half-time in school) and if firms shut down this education will fall apart. Government, banks and networks of citizens are lending money and trying to maintain these small firms alive. Unemployment rate is raising but rents have to be paid. Etc…

Switzerland is a country of pharmaceutical industry and engineers. But the panic in the hospitals is not over: equipment is insufficient, and drugs are starting to miss. Local enterprises have the know how to make them but …with ingredients that come exclusively from China and India. Hospitals have been afraid of losing 25% to 40% of their staff as nurses often come from the bordering regions of France and Italy. Finally, these countries have locked their borders but not for those professionals. This does not solve the problem on the long term, of course as these countries also need more medical staff. We hope that a growing awareness of the importance (and respect and salary) due to these professions will finally have the necessary impact. At 9 p.m., everybody goes at the window or balcony to give them a clap (or ring bells or even play music) for a minute to thank all the medical staff and other professions (e.g., cleaners) who likewise take enormous risks and make great efforts.

The number of beds in the hospitals has been seriously increased by creative means. The ultraliberal policy of the last decade had seriously cut down the number of beds in hospital and sent many many patients  to private practice and ambulatory treatment. But the government, when declaring confinement, has also declared that medical practitioners should only do online treatment and should close their practice. Result: 3 weeks later medical authorities are very worried: many patients in serious conditions or with severe chronic diseases don’t dare to call their medical practitioner and are afraid to go to the emergency services in hospital (fear of overloading them, fear of infection by Covid and fear of being cut out from their families (not allowed in the hospital). The pronostic is a possible wave of very serious cases needing urgent and heavy  treatment. This wave will put extra-pressure on the sanitary system already overburden. Meanwhile small medical units are close to bankruptcy : their have to pay the salaries of their staff but have no income to do so.

There is also a (still small) growing concern among social scientists that the teams that reflect on the pandemic and the confinement measures (and the planning of the end of the confinement) are made up of exclusively of epidemiologists and economists (with one or two specialists in ethics). Hence the psychic and social problems of the confined population are probably underestimated.
Little is known of the underprivileged part of the population, now unemployed, in small housing, with little outreach. Schooling has gone online in a fortnight (with absolutely no preparation) but many students don’t have connections or share the unique computer of the household with parents and siblings all supposedly on line.

This is only a few elements that characterise the situation. In parallel, many citizens are becoming increasingly aware of the dangers of the total interdependence of the economy and of the ecological disasters that this creates. Sanitary disasters and ecological disasters are much more interrelated than expected (a very nice book to understand that biological processes and ways of life social life are interdependent: Rob Dunn "Never home alone. >From Microbes to Millipedes, Camel Crickets, and Honeybees, the Natural History of Where We Live").

There are also plenty of many nice examples of solidarity, creativity, etc. They need to converge and be made visible.

We (MAPS in University of Neuchâtel)  are engaging in a large inquiry based on Bruno Latour’s call (March 29, 2020): "A little exercise to make sure that, after the virus crisis, things don’t start again as they were before" (see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.bruno-latour.fr/node/852.html__;!!Mih3wA!SOLGD7fIZOfwnOv18GIEYWXP9cq9svnmL1ZQIMFJjxNQqkQ8kywFVgT1lQSjeBtPSHc7ew$  with already versions in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, German, Dutch).

Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont

Prof. em. Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont
Institut de psychologie et éducation Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines
Université de Neuchâtel
Espace Tilo-Frey 1<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.google.com/maps/search/Espace*Tilo-Frey*1?entry=gmail&source=g__;Kys!!Mih3wA!SOLGD7fIZOfwnOv18GIEYWXP9cq9svnmL1ZQIMFJjxNQqkQ8kywFVgT1lQSjeBtBFQIeqA$ > (Anciennement: Espace Louis-Agassiz 1)<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.google.com/maps/search/Espace*Louis-Agassiz*1)**A0D*0A*CH-*2000*Neuch**Atel*(Suisse?entry=gmail&source=g__;KysrJSUrKyvDois!!Mih3wA!SOLGD7fIZOfwnOv18GIEYWXP9cq9svnmL1ZQIMFJjxNQqkQ8kywFVgT1lQSjeBurCRTbBQ$ >
CH- 2000 Neuchâtel (Suisse<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.google.com/maps/search/Espace*Louis-Agassiz*1)**A0D*0A*CH-*2000*Neuch**Atel*(Suisse?entry=gmail&source=g__;KysrJSUrKyvDois!!Mih3wA!SOLGD7fIZOfwnOv18GIEYWXP9cq9svnmL1ZQIMFJjxNQqkQ8kywFVgT1lQSjeBurCRTbBQ$ >)

Last publications:
Perret-Clermont, A.-N., Schär, R., Greco, S., Convertini, J., Iannaccone, A., & Rocci, A. (2019). Shifting from a monological to a dialogical perspective on children’s argumentation. Lessons learned. In F. H. van Eemren & B. Garssen (Eds.), Argumentation in actual practice. Topical studies about argumentative discourse in context (pp. 211-236): John Benjamins Publishing Company. Version électronique<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://doc.rero.ch/record/327354__;!!Mih3wA!SOLGD7fIZOfwnOv18GIEYWXP9cq9svnmL1ZQIMFJjxNQqkQ8kywFVgT1lQSjeBtvnrRE5Q$ > Iannaccone, A., Perret-Clermont, A.-N., & Convertini, J. (2019). Children as investigators of Brunerian “Possible worlds”. The role of narrative scenarios in children’s argumentative thinking. . Integrative Psychological and Behiavioral Science, 53, 679-693. Version électronique<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://doc.rero.ch/record/327830?ln=fr__;!!Mih3wA!SOLGD7fIZOfwnOv18GIEYWXP9cq9svnmL1ZQIMFJjxNQqkQ8kywFVgT1lQSjeBt0Esxw-Q$ >
Perret-Clermont, A.-N., Perret, J.-F., Pochon, L.-O., & Marro, P. (2019). Hommage à Jacques Perriault. Hermes, La Revue, 3, 226-226.
In J.-P. Fragnière (Ed.), Agir et penser avec Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont (pp. 71-107). Lausanne: Editions Socialinfo https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.socialinfo.ch/les-livres/38-agir-et-penser-avec-anne-nelly-perret-clermont.html__;!!Mih3wA!SOLGD7fIZOfwnOv18GIEYWXP9cq9svnmL1ZQIMFJjxNQqkQ8kywFVgT1lQSjeBsrBGoWkw$ 

Being a social scientist is like being a geologist who studies rocks in a landslide. Roy D'Andrade
For archival resources relevant to the research of myself and other members of LCHC, visit
lchc.ucsd.edu<http://lchc.ucsd.edu/>.  For archival materials and a narrative history of the research of LCHC, visit lchcautobio.ucsd.edu<http://lchcautobio.ucsd.edu/>.

Gregory A. Thompson, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
880 Spencer W. Kimball Tower
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602
WEBSITE: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://anthropology.byu.edu/greg-thompson__;!!Mih3wA!SOLGD7fIZOfwnOv18GIEYWXP9cq9svnmL1ZQIMFJjxNQqkQ8kywFVgT1lQSjeBsrI0zdmw$ 
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