[Xmca-l] Teachers as the Depths of the Deep State

David Kellogg dkellogg60@gmail.com
Sat Apr 18 05:28:41 PDT 2020

Let me try, David. That is, let me try to bring your view into the
dialectical tradition of this listserve and alos try to bring the view that
you think is furthest from Bonnies forceful plea more into a dialectical
relationship with your own. I don't mean abolishing the contradiction or
even setting it aside, but sublating it--going beyond both extremes and
trying to bring about a higher synthesis.

On the one hand, it's impossible to return to the status quo ante 2016--we
will only succeed in re-establishing the conditions which brought about the
rise of a semi-fascistic movement which is becoming more and more openly
fascistic. Even Barack Obama now says he would not and could not run on
Barack Obama's 2008 platform today (and yet that is apparently what Biden
is seeking to do!)

On the other hand, it's impossible to ignore the demoralization and
disarray: a working class movement faced with something that is more like a
lock-out than a general strike, when going down into the streets and
demonstrating is something only frenzied shopkeepers, faced with imminent
bankruptcy, have the stomach for.

It's in situations like this that we need transitional demands--the kind of
programme that Andy was dismissing as "fake" not too long ago. That is, we
need demand smaller classes that will allow social distancing in class, a
re-employment on a rotating schedule that will allow social distancing in
the work place at no loss in pay, rationing of scarce resources (which we
have here in Korea).

Yes, the "deep state" of expertise and intellect and competence needs to be
defended. But it also needs to be deepened. For example, other countries
recognize teachers as civil servants, who enjoy tenure, political
independence, and of course full benefits. For this to happen, the US would
have to introduce a national education system...and that in turn would
facilitate organizing a national struggle for safe education.

Similar to what we had for safe sex not so very long ago! I think that in
many ways the struggle against AIDS is a model for what is necessary: the
first demand was simply survival. But the ultimate outcome was a great and
very fundamental transformation in the way in which people live, to
which marriage equality was really just reluctant and post facto state

David Kellogg
Sangmyung University

Book Review: 'Fees, Beets, and Music: A critical perusal of *Critical
Pedagogy and Marx, Vygotsky and Freire: Phenomenal forms and  educational
action research'  in Mind Culture and Activity*


Some free e-prints available at:


New Translation with Nikolai Veresov: "L.S. Vygotsky's Pedological Works
Volume One: Foundations of Pedology"

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