[Xmca-l] Re: language and music

Andy Blunden andyb@marxists.org
Sun Dec 2 05:23:50 PST 2018

Oh Thanks for that explanation, David! Now I don't have to 
bow before mathematical linguists every time I do a search.


Andy Blunden
On 2/12/2018 8:40 pm, David Kellogg wrote:
> Andy--
> Actually, Google Translate is, as far as I can tell, an 
> even bigger problem for Chomsky than the human genome 
> project. Chomsky posits a universal grammar, based on 
> abstract principles hardwired into the human brain. 
> Chomsky also posits a modular syntax and a modular 
> vocabulary (words and rules) both of which are separate 
> from the semantics module (thought). This is taken to be 
> the real, biological basis of language in the 
> mind/brain. You would expect, therefore, that any machine 
> translation that approximates the output of a human 
> translation would be basd on similar universal grammar 
> principles and similar modular structure.
> During the sixties many attempts were made to produce a 
> sentence generator and a sentence parser along these 
> lines. Eventually Christian Matthiessen and others, with 
> help from Halliday, did succeed in producing a good 
> sentence generator (called NIGEL after Halliday's son) 
> using principles abstracted from human language. But of 
> course Halliday denies both the existence of a universal 
> grammar and the modular construction of mind, as well as 
> rejecting the distinction between deep and surface 
> structure upon which transformational theory then rested.
> Google Translate is really the equivalent of a medieval 
> automaton and not a robot. It has huge data bases of 
> extant translated texts which have already been produced 
> by human translators (including yours truly). If you type 
> in a string in a source language, it will try to find the 
> largest possible string in its data base of texts in that 
> source language and then give you the equivalent string in 
> the data base of translated texts in the target language 
> you want. That's all.
> This is why it works will with languages that have already 
> been well-translated by human beings (e.g. French 
> and Spanish) and much less well with less translated 
> languages (e.g. Korean). With the non-translated 
> languages, it hardly works at all, since it will have to 
> go through some other language..It is also why you can 
> game Google Translate quite easily if you use it (as we 
> do) to translate Vygotsky: you just change the translation 
> for Vygotsky they give you and push the button which 
> Google gives you that says that they can add your 
> translation to their data base. You will soon find that 
> subsequent translations of that phrase or some similar 
> phrase will give you back the translation which you offered.
> Google Translate is really a form of crowd sourcing; the 
> product they are selling you is your own God-given 
> sociality and your own shared labour. I'm not saying 
> that's bad; I just saying it's not Chomsky.
> David Kellogg
> Sangmyung University
> New in /Early Years/, co-authored with Fang Li:
> When three fives are thirty-five: Vygotsky in a Hallidayan 
> idiom … and maths in the grandmother tongue
> Some free e-prints available at:
> https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/7I8zYW3qkEqNBA66XAwS/full
> On Sun, Dec 2, 2018 at 9:28 AM Andy Blunden 
> <andyb@marxists.org <mailto:andyb@marxists.org>> wrote:
>     So I gather confirmation from your message, Greg:
>     "most of the anthropologists I know, linguistic or
>     otherwise, don't have much interest in talking about
>     such things as psychological functioning" and
>     therefore, it seems to me, little interest in what
>     people do as well as what they think. In other words,
>     the turn to seeing language as a system of Peircean
>     signs is an entirely *formal* project. Yes, the
>     babbling of a brook or the babbling of a band of
>     monkeys can be formally analysed with the same set of
>     concepts as the babbling of a group of humans in
>     conversation. But this is purely formal, superficial
>     and obscures what is expressed and transacted in the
>     human babble.
>     I can understand the fascination in such formal
>     disciplines, I accept that Peircean Semiotics can be a
>     tool of analysis, and often insights come out from
>     such formal disciplines relevant to the real world
>     (mathematics being the supreme example), but ....! One
>     really has to keep in mind that words are not Peircean
>     signs. To answer the question of how it is that humans
>     alone have language by saying that everything has
>     language, even inanimate processes (and this is how I
>     interpret the equation of language with Peircean
>     signs), is somewhat more than missing the point.
>     As an example of how such formal processes lead to
>     grave errors is the Language Acquisition Device
>     "proved" to exist by Chomsky's formal analysis of
>     language. And yet to hold that an actual biological,
>     neuronal formation as a LAD exists in all human beings
>     in quite inconsistent with the foundations of biology,
>     i.e., Darwinian evolution. Either Darwin or Chomsky,
>     but not both. Which tells me that there is a problem
>     with this formal analysis, even though I gasp in
>     wonder every time Google manages to correctly parse an
>     ordinary language question I ask it and deliver very
>     relevant answers.
>     Andy
>     ------------------------------------------------------------
>     Andy Blunden
>     http://www.ethicalpolitics.org/ablunden/index.htm
>     On 2/12/2018 2:51 am, Greg Thompson wrote:
>>     [I hesitate to send a post like this to this group
>>     for precisely the reasons Helena mentioned previously
>>     (the proliferation of technical languages in
>>     different fields and the time-intensive labor of
>>     translating terms/meanings of entire systems of
>>     thinking from one of these fields to the next). Add
>>     the fact that there are few who have much interest in
>>     one of the field of linguistic anthropology (and esp.
>>     how ling anthro has taken up Peicean semiotics - a
>>     tangle of words in its own right), and this means the
>>     following post will likely remain an orphan (not at
>>     all because of anyone's ill intentions but simply
>>     because this is an impossible situation for anyone to
>>     commit to learning an entirely new language for
>>     talking about language!).]
>>     Yes James, as a Peircean, I assume that you would
>>     point to (!) the indexical and iconic potentials of
>>     SPOKEN language while noting that this flattens the
>>     oft-made distinction between gesture and the spoken
>>     word? Our dominant ideology of language tends to
>>     assume that spoken language is (only?) symbolic and
>>     gesture is only indexical and iconic. Peirce's notion
>>     of indexical and iconic functions offers us a way
>>     into seeing how spoken language is also indexical and
>>     iconic (as opposed to Saussure who dismissed them out
>>     of hand - e.g., in the Course he dismisses
>>     onomatopoeia (iconic) and "shifters" (indexical) as
>>     irrelevant to his project).
>>     Following Peirce's vision, Roman Jakobson was one of
>>     the first to point to the problem of this dominant
>>     ideology of language, and Michael Silverstein has
>>     made a rather substantial career off of this simple
>>     point, first elaborated in his famous 1976 paper on
>>     "shifters" and since then in numerous other works.
>>     Many others working in linguistic anthropology have
>>     spent the last 40 years expanding on this project by
>>     exploring the indexical and iconic nature of spoken
>>     language in the concepts of "indexicality" and
>>     "iconization". More recently linguistic
>>     anthropologists have considered the processes by
>>     which sign-functions can shift from one function to
>>     another - e.g., rhematization - from indexical or
>>     symbolic to iconic (see Susan Gal and Judy Irvine's
>>     work), and iconization - from symbolic or iconic to
>>     indexical (see Webb Keane's and Chris Ball's work).
>>     And others have looked at more basic features of
>>     sign-functioning such as the realization of qualia
>>     (see Lily Chumley and Nicholas Harkness' special
>>     issue in Anthro theory).
>>     The relevance of all this for the present list serve
>>     is that the processes being described by these
>>     linguistic anthropologists are fundamental to
>>     understanding human psychological functioning and yet
>>     most of the anthropologists I know, linguistic or
>>     otherwise, don't have much interest in talking about
>>     such things as psychological functioning (one
>>     exception here is Paul Kockelman, e.g., in his book
>>     Person, Agent, Subject, Self - although beware that
>>     his writing is just as dense as Peirce's!). Anyway, I
>>     suspect that this could be a particularly productive
>>     intersection for development.
>>     Cheers,
>>     -greg
>>     On Fri, Nov 30, 2018 at 8:40 AM HENRY SHONERD
>>     <hshonerd@gmail.com <mailto:hshonerd@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>         Right on, James!
>>>         On Nov 30, 2018, at 12:16 AM, James Ma
>>>         <jamesma320@gmail.com
>>>         <mailto:jamesma320@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>         Henry, personally I prefer Xmca-I discussion to
>>>         be exploratory and free style, allowing for the
>>>         coexistence of subjectness and subjectless. When
>>>         it comes to scholarly writing, we know we will
>>>         switch the code.
>>>         James
>>>         HENRY SHONERD <hshonerd@gmail.com
>>>         <mailto:hshonerd@gmail.com>> 于 2018年11月29日周四
>>>         18:58写道:
>>>             James,
>>>             This conversation has been so satisfying I
>>>             don’t want to let go of it, so I hope I am
>>>             not tiring you or others with all the
>>>             connections I find. But, in the spirit of
>>>             Alfredo’s post, I’ll just keep on talking
>>>             and remark on how the duck tail hair cut is
>>>             a rich gesture, an important concept in this
>>>             subject line. Gesture is an aspect of
>>>             communication present in many species.
>>>             Hence, the importance of gesture as a
>>>             rudimentary form of language with
>>>             evolutionary results in human language.
>>>             Maybe this is a reach, but I see the
>>>             business of quotes in the subject line now
>>>             taking place (Anna Stetsenko and Anne-Nelly
>>>             Perret-Clermont, contributing right now) on
>>>             the last chapter of Vygotsky’s Speech and
>>>             Language as an issue of gesture. Language,
>>>             written language in this case, is limited in
>>>             its ability to provide nuance. Writing
>>>             without quotes “gestured”, pointed to to
>>>             author sources familar in the day that
>>>             Vygotsky wrote, such that quotes were not
>>>             necessary. Dan Slobin, psycholinguist at
>>>             Univ of Calf, wrote that two charges of
>>>             language where in “tension”: 1) make
>>>             yourself clear and 2) get it said before
>>>             losing the thread of thinking and talking.
>>>             Gesture, I would like to argue, is an aspect
>>>             of discourse that helps to address this
>>>             tension. A turn (in discourse) is a gesture,
>>>             with temporal constraints that belie the
>>>             idea that a single turn can ever be totally
>>>             clear in and of itself. Writing, as we are
>>>             doing now, is always dialogic, even a whole
>>>             book, is a turn in discourse. And we keep on
>>>             posting our turns.
>>>             Henry
>>>>             On Nov 29, 2018, at 8:56 AM, James Ma
>>>>             <jamesma320@gmail.com
>>>>             <mailto:jamesma320@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>             Henry, Elvis Presley is spot on for
>>>>             this subject line!
>>>>             The ducktail hairstyle is fabulous. Funnily
>>>>             enough, it is what my brother
>>>>             would always like his 9-year-old son to
>>>>             have because he has much thicker hair than
>>>>             most boys. Unfortunately last year the boy
>>>>             had a one-day show off in the classroom and
>>>>             was ticked off by the school authority (in
>>>>             China). However, my brother has managed to
>>>>             restore the ducktail twice a year
>>>>             during the boy's long school holiday in
>>>>             winter and summer!
>>>>             I suppose the outlines of conversation are
>>>>             predictable due to participants'
>>>>             intersubjective awareness of the subject.
>>>>             Yet, the nuances of conversation (just like
>>>>             each individual's ducktail unique to
>>>>             himself) are unpredictable because of the
>>>>             waywardness of our mind. What's more,
>>>>             such nuances create the fluidity of
>>>>             conversation which makes it difficult (or
>>>>             even unnecessary) to predict what comes
>>>>             next - this is perhaps the whole point that
>>>>             keeps us talking, as Alfredo pointed
>>>>             out earlier.
>>>>             James
>>>>             On Wed, 28 Nov 2018 at 22:19, HENRY SHONERD
>>>>             <hshonerd@gmail.com
>>>>             <mailto:hshonerd@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>                 Back at you, James. The images of the
>>>>                 mandarin drake reminded me of a hair
>>>>                 style popularin the late 50s when I was
>>>>                 in high school (grades 9-12): ducktail
>>>>                 haircuts images
>>>>                 <https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=ducktail+haircuts+images&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8>.
>>>>                 One of the photos in the link is of
>>>>                 Elvis Presley, an alpha male high
>>>>                 school boys sought to emulate. Note
>>>>                 that some of the photos are of women,
>>>>                 interesting in light of issues of
>>>>                 gender fluidity these days. I don’t
>>>>                 remember when women started taking on
>>>>                 the hair style. Since I mentioned Elvis
>>>>                 Presley, this post counts as relevant
>>>>                 to the subject line! Ha!
>>>>                 Henry
>>>>>                 On Nov 28, 2018, at 7:39 AM, James Ma
>>>>>                 <jamesma320@gmail.com
>>>>>                 <mailto:jamesma320@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>                 Thank you Henry.
>>>>>                 More on mandarin duck, just thought
>>>>>                 you might like to see:
>>>>>                 https://www.livingwithbirds.com/tweetapedia/21-facts-on-mandarin-duck
>>>>>                 HENRY SHONERD <hshonerd@gmail.com
>>>>>                 <mailto:hshonerd@gmail.com>> 于
>>>>>                 2018年11月27日周二 19:30写道:
>>>>>                     What a beautiful photo, James, and
>>>>>                     providing it is a move on this
>>>>>                     subject line that instantiates
>>>>>                     nicely Gee’s conception of
>>>>>                     discourse. Thanks for your
>>>>>                     thoughtful and helpful response.
>>>>>                     Henry
>>>>>>                     On Nov 27, 2018, at 11:11 AM,
>>>>>>                     James Ma <jamesma320@gmail.com
>>>>>>                     <mailto:jamesma320@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>                     Henry, thanks for the info on
>>>>>>                     Derek Bickerton. One of the
>>>>>>                     interesting things is his
>>>>>>                     conception of displacement as the
>>>>>>                     hallmark of language, whether
>>>>>>                     iconic, indexical or symbolic. In
>>>>>>                     the case of Chinese language, the
>>>>>>                     sounds are decontextualised or
>>>>>>                     sublimated over time to become
>>>>>>                     something more integrated into
>>>>>>                     the words themselves as
>>>>>>                     ideographs. Some of Bickerton's
>>>>>>                     ideas are suggestive of the study
>>>>>>                     of protolanguage as an /a priori
>>>>>>                     /process, involving scrupulous
>>>>>>                     deduction. This reminds me of
>>>>>>                     methods used in diachronic
>>>>>>                     linguistics, which I felt are
>>>>>>                     relevant to CHAT just as much as
>>>>>>                     those used in synchronic linguistics.
>>>>>>                     Regarding "intermental" and
>>>>>>                     "intramental", I can see your
>>>>>>                     point. In fact I don't take
>>>>>>                     Vygotsky's "interpsychological"
>>>>>>                     and "intrapsychological"
>>>>>>                     categories to be dichotomies or
>>>>>>                     binary opposites. Whenever it
>>>>>>                     comes to their relationship, I
>>>>>>                     tend to have a post-structuralism
>>>>>>                     imagery present in my mind,
>>>>>>                     particularly related to a
>>>>>>                     Derridean stance for the
>>>>>>                     conception of ideas (i.e.any idea
>>>>>>                     is not entirely distinct from
>>>>>>                     other ideas in terms of the
>>>>>>                     "thing itself"; rather, it
>>>>>>                     entails a supplement of the other
>>>>>>                     idea which is already embedded in
>>>>>>                     the self). Vygotsky's two
>>>>>>                     categoriesare relational
>>>>>>                     (dialectical); they are somehow
>>>>>>                     like a pair of mandarin ducks
>>>>>>                     (see attached image). I also like
>>>>>>                     to think that each of these
>>>>>>                     categories is both
>>>>>>                     "discourse-in-context" and
>>>>>>                     "context-for-discourse" (here
>>>>>>                     discourse is in tune with James
>>>>>>                     Gee's conception of discourse as
>>>>>>                     a patchwork of actions,
>>>>>>                     interactions, thoughts, feelings
>>>>>>                     etc). I recall Barbara Rogoff
>>>>>>                     talking about there being no
>>>>>>                     boundary between the external and
>>>>>>                     the internal or the boundary
>>>>>>                     being blurred (during her
>>>>>>                     seminar in the Graduate School of
>>>>>>                     Education at Bristol in 2001
>>>>>>                     while I was doing my PhD).
>>>>>>                     James
>>>>>>                     On Wed, 21 Nov 2018 at 23:14,
>>>>>>                     HENRY SHONERD <hshonerd@gmail.com
>>>>>>                     <mailto:hshonerd@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>                         James,
>>>>>>                         I think it was Derek
>>>>>>                         Bickerton
>>>>>>                         (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derek_Bickerton)
>>>>>>                         who argued that “formal
>>>>>>                         syntax” developed from
>>>>>>                         stringing together turns in
>>>>>>                         verbal interaction. The wiki
>>>>>>                         on Bickerton I have linked is
>>>>>>                         short and raises issues
>>>>>>                         discussed in this subject
>>>>>>                         line and in the subject line
>>>>>>                         on Corballis. Bickerton
>>>>>>                         brings me back to the
>>>>>>                         circularity of discourse and
>>>>>>                         the development of discourse
>>>>>>                         competence. Usage-based
>>>>>>                         grammar. Bickerton’s idea
>>>>>>                         that complex grammar
>>>>>>                         developed out of the pidgins
>>>>>>                         of our ancestors is
>>>>>>                         interesting. Do I see a
>>>>>>                         chicken/egg problem that for
>>>>>>                         Vygotsky, “…the intramental
>>>>>>                         forms of semiotic mediation
>>>>>>                         is better understood by
>>>>>>                         examining the types of
>>>>>>                         intermental processes”? I
>>>>>>                         don’t know. Could one say
>>>>>>                         that inner speech is the
>>>>>>                         vehicle for turning discourse
>>>>>>                         into grammar? Bickerton
>>>>>>                         claimed a strong biological
>>>>>>                         component to human language,
>>>>>>                         though I don’t remember if he
>>>>>>                         was a Chomskian. I hope this
>>>>>>                         is coherent thinking in the
>>>>>>                         context of our conversation.
>>>>>>                         All that jazz.
>>>>>>                         Henry
>>>>>>>                         On Nov 21, 2018, at 3:22 PM,
>>>>>>>                         James Ma
>>>>>>>                         <jamesma320@gmail.com
>>>>>>>                         <mailto:jamesma320@gmail.com>>
>>>>>>>                         wrote:
>>>>>>>                         Alfredo, I'd agree with Greg
>>>>>>>                         - intersubjectivity is
>>>>>>>                         relevant and pertinent here.
>>>>>>>                         As I see it,
>>>>>>>                         intersubjectivity transcends
>>>>>>>                         "outlines" or perhaps
>>>>>>>                         sublimates the "muddledness"
>>>>>>>                         and "unpredictability" of a
>>>>>>>                         conversation (as in
>>>>>>>                         Bateson's metalogue) into
>>>>>>>                         what Rommetveit termed the
>>>>>>>                         "draft of a contract". This
>>>>>>>                         is because shared
>>>>>>>                         understanding makes explicit
>>>>>>>                         and external what would
>>>>>>>                         otherwise remain implicit
>>>>>>>                         and internal. Rommetveit
>>>>>>>                         argues that private worlds
>>>>>>>                         can only be transcended up
>>>>>>>                         to a certain level and
>>>>>>>                         interlocutors need to agree
>>>>>>>                         upon the draft of a contract
>>>>>>>                         with which the communication
>>>>>>>                         can be initiated. In the
>>>>>>>                         spirit of Vygotsky, he uses
>>>>>>>                         a "pluralistic" and
>>>>>>>                         "social-cognitive" approach
>>>>>>>                         to human communication - and
>>>>>>>                         especially to the problem of
>>>>>>>                         linguistic mediation and
>>>>>>>                         regulation in
>>>>>>>                         interpsychological
>>>>>>>                         functioning, with reference
>>>>>>>                         to semantics, syntactics and
>>>>>>>                         pragmatics. For him,
>>>>>>>                         the intramental forms of
>>>>>>>                         semiotic mediation is better
>>>>>>>                         understood by examining the
>>>>>>>                         types of intermental processes.
>>>>>>>                         I think these intermental
>>>>>>>                         processes (just like
>>>>>>>                         intramental ones) can be
>>>>>>>                         boiled down or distilled to
>>>>>>>                         signs and symbols with which
>>>>>>>                         interlocutors are in harmony
>>>>>>>                         during a conversation or any
>>>>>>>                         other joint activities.
>>>>>>>                         James
>>>>>>>                         */________________________________________________/*
>>>>>>>                         /*James Ma *Independent
>>>>>>>                         Scholar
>>>>>>>                         //https://oxford.academia.edu/JamesMa
>>>>>>>                         /
>>>>>>>                         On Wed, 21 Nov 2018 at
>>>>>>>                         08:09, Alfredo Jornet Gil
>>>>>>>                         <a.j.gil@ils.uio.no
>>>>>>>                         <mailto:a.j.gil@ils.uio.no>>
>>>>>>>                         wrote:
>>>>>>>                             Henry's remarks about no
>>>>>>>                             directors and symphonic
>>>>>>>                             potential of
>>>>>>>                             conversation reminded
>>>>>>>                             me of G. Bateson's
>>>>>>>                             metalogue "why do things
>>>>>>>                             have outlines"
>>>>>>>                             (attached). Implicitly,
>>>>>>>                             it raises the question
>>>>>>>                             of units and elements,
>>>>>>>                             of how a song, a
>>>>>>>                             dance, a poem, a
>>>>>>>                             conversation, to make
>>>>>>>                             sense, they must have a
>>>>>>>                             recognizable outline,
>>>>>>>                             even in improvisation;
>>>>>>>                             they must be wholes, or
>>>>>>>                             suggest wholes. That
>>>>>>>                             makes them
>>>>>>>                             "predictable". And yet,
>>>>>>>                             when you are immersed in
>>>>>>>                             a conversation, the fact
>>>>>>>                             that you can
>>>>>>>                             never exactly predict
>>>>>>>                             what comes next is the
>>>>>>>                             whole point that keep
>>>>>>>                             us talking, dancing,
>>>>>>>                             drawing, etc!
>>>>>>>                             Alfredo
>>>>>>>                             ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>                             *From:*
>>>>>>>                             xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu
>>>>>>>                             <mailto:xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu>
>>>>>>>                             <xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu
>>>>>>>                             <mailto:xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu>>
>>>>>>>                             on behalf of HENRY
>>>>>>>                             SHONERD
>>>>>>>                             <hshonerd@gmail.com
>>>>>>>                             <mailto:hshonerd@gmail.com>>
>>>>>>>                             *Sent:* 21 November 2018
>>>>>>>                             06:22
>>>>>>>                             *To:* eXtended Mind,
>>>>>>>                             Culture, Activity
>>>>>>>                             *Subject:* [Xmca-l] Re:
>>>>>>>                             language and music
>>>>>>>                             I’d like to add to the
>>>>>>>                             call and response
>>>>>>>                             conversation that
>>>>>>>                             discourse, this
>>>>>>>                             conversation itself, is
>>>>>>>                             staged. There are
>>>>>>>                             performers and and an
>>>>>>>                             audience made up partly
>>>>>>>                             of performers
>>>>>>>                             themselves. How many are
>>>>>>>                             lurkers, as I am
>>>>>>>                             usually? This
>>>>>>>                             conversation has no
>>>>>>>                             director, but there are
>>>>>>>                             leaders. There is
>>>>>>>                             symphonic potential. And
>>>>>>>                             even gestural potential,
>>>>>>>                             making the chat a dance.
>>>>>>>                             All on line.:)
>>>>>>>                             Henry
>>>>>>>>                             On Nov 20, 2018, at
>>>>>>>>                             9:05 PM, mike cole
>>>>>>>>                             <mcole@ucsd.edu
>>>>>>>>                             <mailto:mcole@ucsd.edu>>
>>>>>>>>                             wrote:
>>>>>>>>                             For many years I used
>>>>>>>>                             the work of Ellen
>>>>>>>>                             Dissenyake to teach
>>>>>>>>                             comm classes about
>>>>>>>>                             language/music/development.
>>>>>>>>                             She is quite unusual in
>>>>>>>>                             ways that might find
>>>>>>>>                             interest here.
>>>>>>>>                             https://ellendissanayake.com/
>>>>>>>>                             mike
>>>>>>>>                             On Sat, Nov 17, 2018 at
>>>>>>>>                             2:16 PM James Ma
>>>>>>>>                             <jamesma320@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>                             <mailto:jamesma320@gmail.com>>
>>>>>>>>                             wrote:
>>>>>>>>                                 Hello Simangele,
>>>>>>>>                                 In semiotic terms,
>>>>>>>>                                 whatever each of
>>>>>>>>                                 the participants
>>>>>>>>                                 has constructed
>>>>>>>>                                 internally is the
>>>>>>>>                                 signified, i.e. his
>>>>>>>>                                 or her
>>>>>>>>                                 understanding and
>>>>>>>>                                 interpretation.
>>>>>>>>                                 When it is
>>>>>>>>                                 vocalised (spoken
>>>>>>>>                                 out), it becomes
>>>>>>>>                                 the signifier to
>>>>>>>>                                 the listener.
>>>>>>>>                                 What's more, when
>>>>>>>>                                 the participants
>>>>>>>>                                 work together to
>>>>>>>>                                 compose a story
>>>>>>>>                                 impromptu, each of
>>>>>>>>                                 their signifiers
>>>>>>>>                                 turns into a new
>>>>>>>>                                 signified – a
>>>>>>>>                                 shared,
>>>>>>>>                                 newly-established
>>>>>>>>                                 understanding,
>>>>>>>>                                 woven into the
>>>>>>>>                                 fabric of meaning
>>>>>>>>                                 making.
>>>>>>>>                                 By the way, in
>>>>>>>>                                 Chinese language,
>>>>>>>>                                 words for singing
>>>>>>>>                                 and dancing have
>>>>>>>>                                 long been used
>>>>>>>>                                 inseparably. As I
>>>>>>>>                                 see it, they are
>>>>>>>>                                 semiotically
>>>>>>>>                                 indexed to, or
>>>>>>>>                                 adjusted to allow
>>>>>>>>                                 for, the feelings,
>>>>>>>>                                 emotions, actions
>>>>>>>>                                 and interactions of
>>>>>>>>                                 a consciousness who
>>>>>>>>                                 is experiencing the
>>>>>>>>                                 singing and
>>>>>>>>                                 dancing. Here are
>>>>>>>>                                 some idioms:
>>>>>>>>                                 酣歌醉舞- singing and
>>>>>>>>                                 dancing rapturously
>>>>>>>>                                 村歌社舞-
>>>>>>>>                                 dancingvillage and
>>>>>>>>                                 singing club
>>>>>>>>                                 燕歌赵舞- citizens of
>>>>>>>>                                 ancient Yan and
>>>>>>>>                                 Zhao good at
>>>>>>>>                                 singing and
>>>>>>>>                                 dancing, hence
>>>>>>>>                                 referring to
>>>>>>>>                                 wonderful songs and
>>>>>>>>                                 dances
>>>>>>>>                                 舞榭歌楼- a church or
>>>>>>>>                                 building set up for
>>>>>>>>                                 singing and dancing
>>>>>>>>                                 James
>>>>>>>>                                 */________________________________________________/*
>>>>>>>>                                 /*James Ma
>>>>>>>>                                 *Independent
>>>>>>>>                                 Scholar
>>>>>>>>                                 //https://oxford.academia.edu/JamesMa
>>>>>>>>                                 /
>>>>>>>>                                 On Sat, 17 Nov 2018
>>>>>>>>                                 at 19:08, Simangele
>>>>>>>>                                 Mayisela
>>>>>>>>                                 <simangele.mayisela@wits.ac.za
>>>>>>>>                                 <mailto:simangele.mayisela@wits.ac.za>>
>>>>>>>>                                 wrote:
>>>>>>>>                                     Colleagues,
>>>>>>>>                                     This
>>>>>>>>                                     conversation is
>>>>>>>>                                     getting even
>>>>>>>>                                     more
>>>>>>>>                                     interesting,
>>>>>>>>                                     not that I have
>>>>>>>>                                     an informed
>>>>>>>>                                     answer for you
>>>>>>>>                                     Rob, I can only
>>>>>>>>                                     think of the
>>>>>>>>                                     National
>>>>>>>>                                     Anthems where
>>>>>>>>                                     people stand
>>>>>>>>                                     still when
>>>>>>>>                                     singing, even
>>>>>>>>                                     then this is
>>>>>>>>                                     observed only
>>>>>>>>                                     in
>>>>>>>>                                     international
>>>>>>>>                                     events.
>>>>>>>>                                     Other occasions
>>>>>>>>                                     when people are
>>>>>>>>                                     likely not to
>>>>>>>>                                     move when
>>>>>>>>                                     singing when
>>>>>>>>                                     there is death
>>>>>>>>                                     and the mood is
>>>>>>>>                                     sombre.
>>>>>>>>                                     Otherwise
>>>>>>>>                                     singing and
>>>>>>>>                                     rhythmic body
>>>>>>>>                                     movement,
>>>>>>>>                                     called dance
>>>>>>>>                                     are a norm.
>>>>>>>>                                     This then makes
>>>>>>>>                                     me  wonder what
>>>>>>>>                                     this means in
>>>>>>>>                                     terms of
>>>>>>>>                                     cognitive
>>>>>>>>                                     functioning, in
>>>>>>>>                                     the light of
>>>>>>>>                                     Vygotsky’s
>>>>>>>>                                     developmental
>>>>>>>>                                     stages – of
>>>>>>>>                                     language and
>>>>>>>>                                     thought. Would
>>>>>>>>                                     the body
>>>>>>>>                                     movement
>>>>>>>>                                     constitute the
>>>>>>>>                                     externalisation
>>>>>>>>                                     of the thoughts
>>>>>>>>                                     contained in
>>>>>>>>                                     the music?
>>>>>>>>                                     Helena – the
>>>>>>>>                                     video you are
>>>>>>>>                                     relating about
>>>>>>>>                                     reminds of the
>>>>>>>>                                     language
>>>>>>>>                                     teaching or
>>>>>>>>                                     group therapy
>>>>>>>>                                     technique-
>>>>>>>>                                     where a group
>>>>>>>>                                     of learners (or
>>>>>>>>                                     participants in
>>>>>>>>                                     OD settings)
>>>>>>>>                                     are instructed
>>>>>>>>                                     to tell a
>>>>>>>>                                     single coherent
>>>>>>>>                                     and logical
>>>>>>>>                                     story as a
>>>>>>>>                                     group. They all
>>>>>>>>                                     take turns to
>>>>>>>>                                     say a sentence,
>>>>>>>>                                     a sentence of
>>>>>>>>                                     not more than 6
>>>>>>>>                                     words
>>>>>>>>                                     (depending on
>>>>>>>>                                     the instructor
>>>>>>>>                                     ), each time
>>>>>>>>                                     linking your
>>>>>>>>                                     sentence to the
>>>>>>>>                                     sentence of
>>>>>>>>                                     previous
>>>>>>>>                                     articulator,
>>>>>>>>                                     with the next
>>>>>>>>                                     person also
>>>>>>>>                                     doing the same,
>>>>>>>>                                     until the story
>>>>>>>>                                     sounds complete
>>>>>>>>                                     with
>>>>>>>>                                     conclusion.
>>>>>>>>                                     More important
>>>>>>>>                                     is that they
>>>>>>>>                                     compose this
>>>>>>>>                                     story
>>>>>>>>                                     impromptu, It
>>>>>>>>                                     with such
>>>>>>>>                                     stories that
>>>>>>>>                                     group dynamics
>>>>>>>>                                     are analysed,
>>>>>>>>                                     and in group
>>>>>>>>                                     therapy cases,
>>>>>>>>                                     collective
>>>>>>>>                                     experiences of
>>>>>>>>                                     trauma are
>>>>>>>>                                     shared.  I
>>>>>>>>                                     suppose this is
>>>>>>>>                                     an example of
>>>>>>>>                                     cooperative
>>>>>>>>                                     activity,
>>>>>>>>                                     although
>>>>>>>>                                     previously I
>>>>>>>>                                     would have
>>>>>>>>                                     thought of it
>>>>>>>>                                     as just an
>>>>>>>>                                     “activity”
>>>>>>>>                                     Simangele
>>>>>>>>                                     *From:*xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu
>>>>>>>>                                     <mailto:xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu>
>>>>>>>>                                     [mailto:xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu
>>>>>>>>                                     <mailto:xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu>]
>>>>>>>>                                     *On Behalf Of
>>>>>>>>                                     *robsub@ariadne.org.uk
>>>>>>>>                                     <mailto:robsub@ariadne.org.uk>
>>>>>>>>                                     *Sent:* Friday,
>>>>>>>>                                     16 November
>>>>>>>>                                     2018 21:01
>>>>>>>>                                     *To:* eXtended
>>>>>>>>                                     Mind, Culture,
>>>>>>>>                                     Activity
>>>>>>>>                                     <xmca-l@mailman.ucsd.edu
>>>>>>>>                                     <mailto:xmca-l@mailman.ucsd.edu>>;
>>>>>>>>                                     Helena Worthen
>>>>>>>>                                     <helenaworthen@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>                                     <mailto:helenaworthen@gmail.com>>
>>>>>>>>                                     *Subject:*
>>>>>>>>                                     [Xmca-l] Re:
>>>>>>>>                                     Michael C.
>>>>>>>>                                     Corballis
>>>>>>>>                                     I remember
>>>>>>>>                                     being told once
>>>>>>>>                                     that many
>>>>>>>>                                     languages do
>>>>>>>>                                     not have
>>>>>>>>                                     separate words
>>>>>>>>                                     for singing and
>>>>>>>>                                     dancing,
>>>>>>>>                                     because if you
>>>>>>>>                                     sing you want
>>>>>>>>                                     to move - until
>>>>>>>>                                     western
>>>>>>>>                                     civilisation
>>>>>>>>                                     beats it out of
>>>>>>>>                                     you.
>>>>>>>>                                     Does anybody
>>>>>>>>                                     know if this is
>>>>>>>>                                     actually true,
>>>>>>>>                                     or is it
>>>>>>>>                                     complete cod?
>>>>>>>>                                     If it is true,
>>>>>>>>                                     does it have
>>>>>>>>                                     something to
>>>>>>>>                                     say about the
>>>>>>>>                                     relationship
>>>>>>>>                                     between the
>>>>>>>>                                     physical body
>>>>>>>>                                     and the
>>>>>>>>                                     development of
>>>>>>>>                                     speech?
>>>>>>>>                                     Rob
>>>>>>>>                                     On 16/11/2018
>>>>>>>>                                     17:29, Helena
>>>>>>>>                                     Worthen wrote:
>>>>>>>>                                         I am very
>>>>>>>>                                         interested
>>>>>>>>                                         in where
>>>>>>>>                                         this
>>>>>>>>                                         conversation
>>>>>>>>                                         is going. I
>>>>>>>>                                         remember
>>>>>>>>                                         being in a
>>>>>>>>                                         Theories of
>>>>>>>>                                         Literacy
>>>>>>>>                                         class in
>>>>>>>>                                         which
>>>>>>>>                                         Glynda
>>>>>>>>                                         Hull, the
>>>>>>>>                                         instructor,
>>>>>>>>                                         showed a
>>>>>>>>                                         video of a
>>>>>>>>                                         singing
>>>>>>>>                                         circle
>>>>>>>>                                         somewhere
>>>>>>>>                                         in the
>>>>>>>>                                         Amazon,
>>>>>>>>                                         where an
>>>>>>>>                                         incredibly
>>>>>>>>                                         complicated
>>>>>>>>                                         pattern of
>>>>>>>>                                         musical
>>>>>>>>                                         phrases
>>>>>>>>                                         wove in and
>>>>>>>>                                         out among
>>>>>>>>                                         the singers
>>>>>>>>                                         underlaid
>>>>>>>>                                         by drumming
>>>>>>>>                                         that
>>>>>>>>                                         included
>>>>>>>>                                         turn-taking,
>>>>>>>>                                         call and
>>>>>>>>                                         response,
>>>>>>>>                                         you name
>>>>>>>>                                         it. Maybe
>>>>>>>>                                         20 people
>>>>>>>>                                         were
>>>>>>>>                                         involved,
>>>>>>>>                                         all pushing
>>>>>>>>                                         full steam
>>>>>>>>                                         ahead to
>>>>>>>>                                         create
>>>>>>>>                                         something
>>>>>>>>                                         together
>>>>>>>>                                         that they
>>>>>>>>                                         all seemed
>>>>>>>>                                         to know
>>>>>>>>                                         about but
>>>>>>>>                                         wouldn’t
>>>>>>>>                                         happen
>>>>>>>>                                         until they
>>>>>>>>                                         did it.
>>>>>>>>                                         Certainly
>>>>>>>>                                         someone has
>>>>>>>>                                         studied the
>>>>>>>>                                         relationship
>>>>>>>>                                         of musical
>>>>>>>>                                         communication
>>>>>>>>                                         (improvised
>>>>>>>>                                         or
>>>>>>>>                                         otherwise),
>>>>>>>>                                         speech and
>>>>>>>>                                         gesture? I
>>>>>>>>                                         have asked
>>>>>>>>                                         musicians
>>>>>>>>                                         about this
>>>>>>>>                                         and get
>>>>>>>>                                         blank
>>>>>>>>                                         looks. Yet
>>>>>>>>                                         clearly you
>>>>>>>>                                         can tell
>>>>>>>>                                         when you
>>>>>>>>                                         listen to
>>>>>>>>                                         different
>>>>>>>>                                         kinds of
>>>>>>>>                                         music, not
>>>>>>>>                                         just Amazon
>>>>>>>>                                         drum and
>>>>>>>>                                         chant
>>>>>>>>                                         circles,
>>>>>>>>                                         that there
>>>>>>>>                                         is some
>>>>>>>>                                         kind of
>>>>>>>>                                         speech -
>>>>>>>>                                         like
>>>>>>>>                                         potential
>>>>>>>>                                         embedded
>>>>>>>>                                         there. The
>>>>>>>>                                         Sonata form
>>>>>>>>                                         is clearly
>>>>>>>>                                         involves
>>>>>>>>                                         exposition
>>>>>>>>                                         (they even
>>>>>>>>                                         use that
>>>>>>>>                                         word).
>>>>>>>>                                         For
>>>>>>>>                                         example:
>>>>>>>>                                         the
>>>>>>>>                                         soundtrack
>>>>>>>>                                         to the Coen
>>>>>>>>                                         Brothers’
>>>>>>>>                                         film Fargo
>>>>>>>>                                         opens with
>>>>>>>>                                         a musical
>>>>>>>>                                         theme that
>>>>>>>>                                         says, as
>>>>>>>>                                         clearly as
>>>>>>>>                                         if we were
>>>>>>>>                                         reading
>>>>>>>>                                         aloud from
>>>>>>>>                                         some
>>>>>>>>                                         children’s
>>>>>>>>                                         book, “I am
>>>>>>>>                                         now going
>>>>>>>>                                         to tell you
>>>>>>>>                                         a very
>>>>>>>>                                         strange
>>>>>>>>                                         story that
>>>>>>>>                                         sounds
>>>>>>>>                                         impossible
>>>>>>>>                                         but I
>>>>>>>>                                         promise you
>>>>>>>>                                         every word
>>>>>>>>                                         of it is
>>>>>>>>                                         true…da-de-da-de-da.’
>>>>>>>>                                         Only it
>>>>>>>>                                         doesn’t
>>>>>>>>                                         take that
>>>>>>>>                                         many words.
>>>>>>>>                                         (18) Fargo
>>>>>>>>                                         (1996) -
>>>>>>>>                                         'Fargo,
>>>>>>>>                                         North
>>>>>>>>                                         Dakota'
>>>>>>>>                                         (Opening)
>>>>>>>>                                         scene
>>>>>>>>                                         [1080] -
>>>>>>>>                                         YouTube
>>>>>>>>                                         Helena Worthen
>>>>>>>>                                         helenaworthen@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>                                         <mailto:helenaworthen@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>                                         Berkeley,
>>>>>>>>                                         CA 94707
>>>>>>>>                                         510-828-2745
>>>>>>>>                                         Blog US/
>>>>>>>>                                         Viet Nam:
>>>>>>>>                                         helenaworthen.wordpress.com
>>>>>>>>                                         <http://helenaworthen.wordpress.com/>
>>>>>>>>                                         skype:
>>>>>>>>                                         helena.worthen1
>>>>>>>>                                             On Nov
>>>>>>>>                                             16,
>>>>>>>>                                             2018,
>>>>>>>>                                             at 8:56
>>>>>>>>                                             AM,
>>>>>>>>                                             HENRY
>>>>>>>>                                             SHONERD
>>>>>>>>                                             <hshonerd@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>                                             <mailto:hshonerd@gmail.com>>
>>>>>>>>                                             wrote:
>>>>>>>>                                             Andy
>>>>>>>>                                             and Peter,
>>>>>>>>                                             I like
>>>>>>>>                                             the
>>>>>>>>                                             turn
>>>>>>>>                                             taking
>>>>>>>>                                             principle
>>>>>>>>                                             a lot.
>>>>>>>>                                             It
>>>>>>>>                                             links
>>>>>>>>                                             language
>>>>>>>>                                             and
>>>>>>>>                                             music
>>>>>>>>                                             very
>>>>>>>>                                             nicely:
>>>>>>>>                                             call
>>>>>>>>                                             and
>>>>>>>>                                             response.
>>>>>>>>                                             By
>>>>>>>>                                             voice
>>>>>>>>                                             and
>>>>>>>>                                             ear.
>>>>>>>>                                             While
>>>>>>>>                                             gesture
>>>>>>>>                                             is
>>>>>>>>                                             linked
>>>>>>>>                                             to
>>>>>>>>                                             visual
>>>>>>>>                                             art. In
>>>>>>>>                                             face-to-face
>>>>>>>>                                             conversation
>>>>>>>>                                             there
>>>>>>>>                                             is this
>>>>>>>>                                             rhythmically
>>>>>>>>                                             entrained
>>>>>>>>                                             interaction.
>>>>>>>>                                             It’s
>>>>>>>>                                             not
>>>>>>>>                                             just
>>>>>>>>                                             cooperative,
>>>>>>>>                                             it’s
>>>>>>>>                                             verbal/gestural
>>>>>>>>                                             art.
>>>>>>>>                                             Any
>>>>>>>>                                             human
>>>>>>>>                                             work is
>>>>>>>>                                             potentially
>>>>>>>>                                             a work
>>>>>>>>                                             of art.
>>>>>>>>                                             Vera
>>>>>>>>                                             John-Steiner
>>>>>>>>                                             and
>>>>>>>>                                             Holbrook
>>>>>>>>                                             Mahn
>>>>>>>>                                             have
>>>>>>>>                                             talked
>>>>>>>>                                             about
>>>>>>>>                                             how
>>>>>>>>                                             conversation
>>>>>>>>                                             can be
>>>>>>>>                                             a
>>>>>>>>                                             co-construction
>>>>>>>>                                             “at the
>>>>>>>>                                             speed
>>>>>>>>                                             of
>>>>>>>>                                             thought”.
>>>>>>>>                                             Heady
>>>>>>>>                                             stuff
>>>>>>>>                                             taking
>>>>>>>>                                             part,
>>>>>>>>                                             or just
>>>>>>>>                                             listening
>>>>>>>>                                             to,
>>>>>>>>                                             this
>>>>>>>>                                             call
>>>>>>>>                                             and
>>>>>>>>                                             response
>>>>>>>>                                             between
>>>>>>>>                                             smart
>>>>>>>>                                             people. 
>>>>>>>>                                             And
>>>>>>>>                                             disheartening
>>>>>>>>                                             and
>>>>>>>>                                             destructive
>>>>>>>>                                             when we
>>>>>>>>                                             give up
>>>>>>>>                                             on dialog.
>>>>>>>>                                             As I
>>>>>>>>                                             write
>>>>>>>>                                             this, I
>>>>>>>>                                             realize
>>>>>>>>                                             that
>>>>>>>>                                             the
>>>>>>>>                                             prosodic
>>>>>>>>                                             aspects
>>>>>>>>                                             of
>>>>>>>>                                             spoken
>>>>>>>>                                             language
>>>>>>>>                                             (intonation)
>>>>>>>>                                             are
>>>>>>>>                                             gestural
>>>>>>>>                                             as
>>>>>>>>                                             well.
>>>>>>>>                                             It’s
>>>>>>>>                                             simplistic
>>>>>>>>                                             to
>>>>>>>>                                             restrict
>>>>>>>>                                             gesture
>>>>>>>>                                             to
>>>>>>>>                                             visual
>>>>>>>>                                             signals.
>>>>>>>>                                             But I
>>>>>>>>                                             would
>>>>>>>>                                             say
>>>>>>>>                                             gesture
>>>>>>>>                                             is
>>>>>>>>                                             prototypically
>>>>>>>>                                             visual,
>>>>>>>>                                             an
>>>>>>>>                                             accompaniment
>>>>>>>>                                             to the
>>>>>>>>                                             voice.
>>>>>>>>                                             In
>>>>>>>>                                             surfing
>>>>>>>>                                             the
>>>>>>>>                                             web,
>>>>>>>>                                             one can
>>>>>>>>                                             find
>>>>>>>>                                             some
>>>>>>>>                                             interesting
>>>>>>>>                                             things
>>>>>>>>                                             on
>>>>>>>>                                             paralanguage
>>>>>>>>                                             which
>>>>>>>>                                             complicate
>>>>>>>>                                             the
>>>>>>>>                                             distinction
>>>>>>>>                                             between
>>>>>>>>                                             language
>>>>>>>>                                             and
>>>>>>>>                                             gesture.
>>>>>>>>                                             I think
>>>>>>>>                                             it
>>>>>>>>                                             speaks
>>>>>>>>                                             to the
>>>>>>>>                                             embodiment
>>>>>>>>                                             of
>>>>>>>>                                             language
>>>>>>>>                                             in the
>>>>>>>>                                             senses.
>>>>>>>>                                             Henry
>>>>>>>>                                                 On
>>>>>>>>                                                 Nov
>>>>>>>>                                                 16,
>>>>>>>>                                                 2018,
>>>>>>>>                                                 at
>>>>>>>>                                                 7:00
>>>>>>>>                                                 AM,
>>>>>>>>                                                 Peter
>>>>>>>>                                                 Feigenbaum
>>>>>>>>                                                 [Staff]
>>>>>>>>                                                 <pfeigenbaum@fordham.edu
>>>>>>>>                                                 <mailto:pfeigenbaum@fordham.edu>>
>>>>>>>>                                                 wrote:
>>>>>>>>                                                 Andy,
>>>>>>>>                                                 I
>>>>>>>>                                                 couldn't
>>>>>>>>                                                 agree
>>>>>>>>                                                 more.
>>>>>>>>                                                 And
>>>>>>>>                                                 thanks
>>>>>>>>                                                 for
>>>>>>>>                                                 introducing
>>>>>>>>                                                 me
>>>>>>>>                                                 to
>>>>>>>>                                                 the
>>>>>>>>                                                 notion
>>>>>>>>                                                 of delayed
>>>>>>>>                                                 gratification
>>>>>>>>                                                 as
>>>>>>>>                                                 a
>>>>>>>>                                                 precondition
>>>>>>>>                                                 for
>>>>>>>>                                                 sharing
>>>>>>>>                                                 and
>>>>>>>>                                                 turn-taking.
>>>>>>>>                                                 That's
>>>>>>>>                                                 a
>>>>>>>>                                                 feature
>>>>>>>>                                                 I
>>>>>>>>                                                 hadn't
>>>>>>>>                                                 considered
>>>>>>>>                                                 before
>>>>>>>>                                                 in
>>>>>>>>                                                 connection
>>>>>>>>                                                 with
>>>>>>>>                                                 speech
>>>>>>>>                                                 communication.
>>>>>>>>                                                 It
>>>>>>>>                                                 makes
>>>>>>>>                                                 sense
>>>>>>>>                                                 that
>>>>>>>>                                                 each
>>>>>>>>                                                 participant
>>>>>>>>                                                 would
>>>>>>>>                                                 need
>>>>>>>>                                                 to
>>>>>>>>                                                 exercise
>>>>>>>>                                                 patience
>>>>>>>>                                                 in
>>>>>>>>                                                 order
>>>>>>>>                                                 to
>>>>>>>>                                                 wait
>>>>>>>>                                                 out
>>>>>>>>                                                 someone
>>>>>>>>                                                 else's
>>>>>>>>                                                 turn.
>>>>>>>>                                                 Much
>>>>>>>>                                                 obliged.
>>>>>>>>                                                 Peter
>>>>>>>>                                                 On
>>>>>>>>                                                 Fri,
>>>>>>>>                                                 Nov
>>>>>>>>                                                 16,
>>>>>>>>                                                 2018
>>>>>>>>                                                 at
>>>>>>>>                                                 8:50
>>>>>>>>                                                 AM
>>>>>>>>                                                 Andy
>>>>>>>>                                                 Blunden
>>>>>>>>                                                 <andyb@marxists.org
>>>>>>>>                                                 <mailto:andyb@marxists.org>>
>>>>>>>>                                                 wrote:
>>>>>>>>                                                     Interesting,
>>>>>>>>                                                     Peter.
>>>>>>>>                                                     Corballis,
>>>>>>>>                                                     oddly
>>>>>>>>                                                     in
>>>>>>>>                                                     my
>>>>>>>>                                                     view,
>>>>>>>>                                                     places
>>>>>>>>                                                     a
>>>>>>>>                                                     lot
>>>>>>>>                                                     of
>>>>>>>>                                                     weight
>>>>>>>>                                                     in
>>>>>>>>                                                     so-called
>>>>>>>>                                                     mirror
>>>>>>>>                                                     neurons
>>>>>>>>                                                     to
>>>>>>>>                                                     explain
>>>>>>>>                                                     perception
>>>>>>>>                                                     of
>>>>>>>>                                                     the
>>>>>>>>                                                     intentionality
>>>>>>>>                                                     of
>>>>>>>>                                                     others.
>>>>>>>>                                                     It
>>>>>>>>                                                     seems
>>>>>>>>                                                     blindingly
>>>>>>>>                                                     obvious
>>>>>>>>                                                     to
>>>>>>>>                                                     me
>>>>>>>>                                                     that
>>>>>>>>                                                     cooperative
>>>>>>>>                                                     activity,
>>>>>>>>                                                     specifically
>>>>>>>>                                                     participating
>>>>>>>>                                                     in
>>>>>>>>                                                     projects
>>>>>>>>                                                     in
>>>>>>>>                                                     which
>>>>>>>>                                                     individuals
>>>>>>>>                                                     share
>>>>>>>>                                                     a
>>>>>>>>                                                     common
>>>>>>>>                                                     not-present
>>>>>>>>                                                     object,
>>>>>>>>                                                     is
>>>>>>>>                                                     a
>>>>>>>>                                                     form
>>>>>>>>                                                     of
>>>>>>>>                                                     behaviour
>>>>>>>>                                                     which
>>>>>>>>                                                     begets
>>>>>>>>                                                     the
>>>>>>>>                                                     necessary
>>>>>>>>                                                     perceptive
>>>>>>>>                                                     abilities.
>>>>>>>>                                                     I
>>>>>>>>                                                     have
>>>>>>>>                                                     also
>>>>>>>>                                                     long
>>>>>>>>                                                     been
>>>>>>>>                                                     of
>>>>>>>>                                                     the
>>>>>>>>                                                     view
>>>>>>>>                                                     that
>>>>>>>>                                                     delayed
>>>>>>>>                                                     gratification,
>>>>>>>>                                                     as
>>>>>>>>                                                     a
>>>>>>>>                                                     precondition
>>>>>>>>                                                     for
>>>>>>>>                                                     sharing
>>>>>>>>                                                     and
>>>>>>>>                                                     turn-taking,
>>>>>>>>                                                     as
>>>>>>>>                                                     a
>>>>>>>>                                                     matter
>>>>>>>>                                                     of
>>>>>>>>                                                     fact,
>>>>>>>>                                                     is
>>>>>>>>                                                     an
>>>>>>>>                                                     important
>>>>>>>>                                                     aspect
>>>>>>>>                                                     of
>>>>>>>>                                                     sociality
>>>>>>>>                                                     fostering
>>>>>>>>                                                     the
>>>>>>>>                                                     development
>>>>>>>>                                                     of
>>>>>>>>                                                     speech,
>>>>>>>>                                                     and
>>>>>>>>                                                     the
>>>>>>>>                                                     upright
>>>>>>>>                                                     gait
>>>>>>>>                                                     which
>>>>>>>>                                                     frees
>>>>>>>>                                                     the
>>>>>>>>                                                     hands
>>>>>>>>                                                     for
>>>>>>>>                                                     carrying
>>>>>>>>                                                     food
>>>>>>>>                                                     back
>>>>>>>>                                                     to
>>>>>>>>                                                     camp
>>>>>>>>                                                     where
>>>>>>>>                                                     it
>>>>>>>>                                                     can
>>>>>>>>                                                     be
>>>>>>>>                                                     shared
>>>>>>>>                                                     is
>>>>>>>>                                                     important.
>>>>>>>>                                                     None
>>>>>>>>                                                     of
>>>>>>>>                                                     which
>>>>>>>>                                                     presupposes
>>>>>>>>                                                     tools,
>>>>>>>>                                                     only
>>>>>>>>                                                     cooperation.
>>>>>>>>                                                     Andy
>>>>>>>>                                                     ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>                                                     Andy
>>>>>>>>                                                     Blunden
>>>>>>>>                                                     http://www.ethicalpolitics.org/ablunden/index.htm
>>>>>>>>                                                     <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.ethicalpolitics.org_ablunden_index.htm&d=DwMFaQ&c=aqMfXOEvEJQh2iQMCb7Wy8l0sPnURkcqADc2guUW8IM&r=mXj3yhpYNklTxyN3KioIJ0ECmPHilpf4N2p9PBMATWs&m=itd0qPWlE7uAuyEX0ii8ohEoZegfdMAOOLf-YoaEqqs&s=-uwTjZDhHtJM2EFdBS-rXLTptADQdSGAcibaav-mhJw&e=>
>>>>>>>>                                                     On
>>>>>>>>                                                     17/11/2018
>>>>>>>>                                                     12:36
>>>>>>>>                                                     am,
>>>>>>>>                                                     Peter
>>>>>>>>                                                     Feigenbaum
>>>>>>>>                                                     [Staff]
>>>>>>>>                                                     wrote:
>>>>>>>>                                                         If
>>>>>>>>                                                         I
>>>>>>>>                                                         might
>>>>>>>>                                                         chime
>>>>>>>>                                                         in
>>>>>>>>                                                         to
>>>>>>>>                                                         this
>>>>>>>>                                                         discussion:
>>>>>>>>                                                         I
>>>>>>>>                                                         submit
>>>>>>>>                                                         that
>>>>>>>>                                                         the
>>>>>>>>                                                         key
>>>>>>>>                                                         cooperative
>>>>>>>>                                                         activity
>>>>>>>>                                                         underlying
>>>>>>>>                                                         speech
>>>>>>>>                                                         communication
>>>>>>>>                                                         is
>>>>>>>>                                                         *turn-taking*.
>>>>>>>>                                                         I
>>>>>>>>                                                         don't
>>>>>>>>                                                         know
>>>>>>>>                                                         how
>>>>>>>>                                                         that
>>>>>>>>                                                         activity
>>>>>>>>                                                         or
>>>>>>>>                                                         rule
>>>>>>>>                                                         came
>>>>>>>>                                                         into
>>>>>>>>                                                         being,
>>>>>>>>                                                         but
>>>>>>>>                                                         once
>>>>>>>>                                                         it
>>>>>>>>                                                         did,
>>>>>>>>                                                         the
>>>>>>>>                                                         activity
>>>>>>>>                                                         of
>>>>>>>>                                                         *exchanging*
>>>>>>>>                                                         utterances
>>>>>>>>                                                         became
>>>>>>>>                                                         possible.
>>>>>>>>                                                         And
>>>>>>>>                                                         with
>>>>>>>>                                                         exchange
>>>>>>>>                                                         came
>>>>>>>>                                                         the
>>>>>>>>                                                         complementarity
>>>>>>>>                                                         of
>>>>>>>>                                                         speaking
>>>>>>>>                                                         and
>>>>>>>>                                                         listening
>>>>>>>>                                                         roles,
>>>>>>>>                                                         and
>>>>>>>>                                                         the
>>>>>>>>                                                         activity
>>>>>>>>                                                         of
>>>>>>>>                                                         alternating
>>>>>>>>                                                         conversational
>>>>>>>>                                                         roles
>>>>>>>>                                                         and
>>>>>>>>                                                         mental
>>>>>>>>                                                         perspectives. Turn-taking
>>>>>>>>                                                         is
>>>>>>>>                                                         a
>>>>>>>>                                                         key
>>>>>>>>                                                         process
>>>>>>>>                                                         in
>>>>>>>>                                                         human
>>>>>>>>                                                         development.
>>>>>>>>                                                         Peter
>>>>>>>>                                                         On
>>>>>>>>                                                         Thu,
>>>>>>>>                                                         Nov
>>>>>>>>                                                         15,
>>>>>>>>                                                         2018
>>>>>>>>                                                         at
>>>>>>>>                                                         9:21
>>>>>>>>                                                         PM
>>>>>>>>                                                         Andy
>>>>>>>>                                                         Blunden
>>>>>>>>                                                         <andyb@marxists.org
>>>>>>>>                                                         <mailto:andyb@marxists.org>>
>>>>>>>>                                                         wrote:
>>>>>>>>                                                             Oddly,
>>>>>>>>                                                             Amazon
>>>>>>>>                                                             delivered
>>>>>>>>                                                             the
>>>>>>>>                                                             book
>>>>>>>>                                                             to
>>>>>>>>                                                             me
>>>>>>>>                                                             yesterday
>>>>>>>>                                                             and
>>>>>>>>                                                             I
>>>>>>>>                                                             am
>>>>>>>>                                                             currently
>>>>>>>>                                                             on
>>>>>>>>                                                             p.5.
>>>>>>>>                                                             Fortunately,
>>>>>>>>                                                             Corballis
>>>>>>>>                                                             provides
>>>>>>>>                                                             a
>>>>>>>>                                                             synopsis
>>>>>>>>                                                             of
>>>>>>>>                                                             his
>>>>>>>>                                                             book
>>>>>>>>                                                             at
>>>>>>>>                                                             the
>>>>>>>>                                                             end,
>>>>>>>>                                                             which
>>>>>>>>                                                             I
>>>>>>>>                                                             sneak-previewed
>>>>>>>>                                                             last
>>>>>>>>                                                             night.
>>>>>>>>                                                             The
>>>>>>>>                                                             interesting
>>>>>>>>                                                             thing
>>>>>>>>                                                             to
>>>>>>>>                                                             me
>>>>>>>>                                                             is
>>>>>>>>                                                             his
>>>>>>>>                                                             claim,
>>>>>>>>                                                             similar
>>>>>>>>                                                             to
>>>>>>>>                                                             that
>>>>>>>>                                                             of
>>>>>>>>                                                             Merlin
>>>>>>>>                                                             Donald,
>>>>>>>>                                                             which
>>>>>>>>                                                             goes
>>>>>>>>                                                             like
>>>>>>>>                                                             this.
>>>>>>>>                                                             It
>>>>>>>>                                                             would
>>>>>>>>                                                             be
>>>>>>>>                                                             absurd
>>>>>>>>                                                             to
>>>>>>>>                                                             suggest
>>>>>>>>                                                             that
>>>>>>>>                                                             proto-humans
>>>>>>>>                                                             discovered
>>>>>>>>                                                             that
>>>>>>>>                                                             they
>>>>>>>>                                                             had
>>>>>>>>                                                             this
>>>>>>>>                                                             unique
>>>>>>>>                                                             and
>>>>>>>>                                                             wonderful
>>>>>>>>                                                             vocal
>>>>>>>>                                                             apparatus
>>>>>>>>                                                             and
>>>>>>>>                                                             decided
>>>>>>>>                                                             to
>>>>>>>>                                                             use
>>>>>>>>                                                             it
>>>>>>>>                                                             for
>>>>>>>>                                                             speech.
>>>>>>>>                                                             Clearly_there
>>>>>>>>                                                             was
>>>>>>>>                                                             rudimentary
>>>>>>>>                                                             language
>>>>>>>>                                                             before
>>>>>>>>                                                             speech
>>>>>>>>                                                             was
>>>>>>>>                                                             humanly
>>>>>>>>                                                             possible_.
>>>>>>>>                                                             In
>>>>>>>>                                                             development,
>>>>>>>>                                                             a
>>>>>>>>                                                             behaviour
>>>>>>>>                                                             is
>>>>>>>>                                                             always
>>>>>>>>                                                             present
>>>>>>>>                                                             before
>>>>>>>>                                                             the
>>>>>>>>                                                             physiological
>>>>>>>>                                                             adaptations
>>>>>>>>                                                             which
>>>>>>>>                                                             facilitate
>>>>>>>>                                                             it
>>>>>>>>                                                             come
>>>>>>>>                                                             into
>>>>>>>>                                                             being.
>>>>>>>>                                                             I.e,
>>>>>>>>                                                             proto-humans
>>>>>>>>                                                             found
>>>>>>>>                                                             themselves
>>>>>>>>                                                             in
>>>>>>>>                                                             circumstances
>>>>>>>>                                                             where
>>>>>>>>                                                             it
>>>>>>>>                                                             made
>>>>>>>>                                                             sense
>>>>>>>>                                                             to
>>>>>>>>                                                             develop
>>>>>>>>                                                             interpersonal,
>>>>>>>>                                                             voluntary
>>>>>>>>                                                             communication,
>>>>>>>>                                                             and
>>>>>>>>                                                             to
>>>>>>>>                                                             begin
>>>>>>>>                                                             with
>>>>>>>>                                                             they
>>>>>>>>                                                             used
>>>>>>>>                                                             what
>>>>>>>>                                                             they
>>>>>>>>                                                             had
>>>>>>>>                                                             -
>>>>>>>>                                                             the
>>>>>>>>                                                             ability
>>>>>>>>                                                             to
>>>>>>>>                                                             mime
>>>>>>>>                                                             and
>>>>>>>>                                                             gesture,
>>>>>>>>                                                             make
>>>>>>>>                                                             facial
>>>>>>>>                                                             expressions
>>>>>>>>                                                             and
>>>>>>>>                                                             vocalisations
>>>>>>>>                                                             (all
>>>>>>>>                                                             of
>>>>>>>>                                                             which
>>>>>>>>                                                             BTW
>>>>>>>>                                                             can
>>>>>>>>                                                             reference
>>>>>>>>                                                             non-present
>>>>>>>>                                                             entities
>>>>>>>>                                                             and
>>>>>>>>                                                             situations)
>>>>>>>>                                                             This
>>>>>>>>                                                             is
>>>>>>>>                                                             an
>>>>>>>>                                                             activity
>>>>>>>>                                                             which
>>>>>>>>                                                             further
>>>>>>>>                                                             produces
>>>>>>>>                                                             the
>>>>>>>>                                                             conditions
>>>>>>>>                                                             for
>>>>>>>>                                                             its
>>>>>>>>                                                             own
>>>>>>>>                                                             development.
>>>>>>>>                                                             Eventually,
>>>>>>>>                                                             over
>>>>>>>>                                                             millions
>>>>>>>>                                                             of
>>>>>>>>                                                             years,
>>>>>>>>                                                             the
>>>>>>>>                                                             vocal
>>>>>>>>                                                             apparatus
>>>>>>>>                                                             evolved
>>>>>>>>                                                             under
>>>>>>>>                                                             strong
>>>>>>>>                                                             selection
>>>>>>>>                                                             pressure
>>>>>>>>                                                             due
>>>>>>>>                                                             to
>>>>>>>>                                                             the
>>>>>>>>                                                             practice
>>>>>>>>                                                             of
>>>>>>>>                                                             non-speech
>>>>>>>>                                                             communication
>>>>>>>>                                                             as
>>>>>>>>                                                             an
>>>>>>>>                                                             integral
>>>>>>>>                                                             part
>>>>>>>>                                                             of
>>>>>>>>                                                             their
>>>>>>>>                                                             evolutionary
>>>>>>>>                                                             niche.
>>>>>>>>                                                             In
>>>>>>>>                                                             other
>>>>>>>>                                                             words,
>>>>>>>>                                                             rudimentary
>>>>>>>>                                                             wordless
>>>>>>>>                                                             speech
>>>>>>>>                                                             gradually
>>>>>>>>                                                             became
>>>>>>>>                                                             modern
>>>>>>>>                                                             speech,
>>>>>>>>                                                             along
>>>>>>>>                                                             with
>>>>>>>>                                                             all
>>>>>>>>                                                             the
>>>>>>>>                                                             accompanying
>>>>>>>>                                                             facial
>>>>>>>>                                                             expressions
>>>>>>>>                                                             and
>>>>>>>>                                                             hand
>>>>>>>>                                                             movements.
>>>>>>>>                                                             It
>>>>>>>>                                                             just
>>>>>>>>                                                             seems
>>>>>>>>                                                             to
>>>>>>>>                                                             me
>>>>>>>>                                                             that,
>>>>>>>>                                                             as
>>>>>>>>                                                             you
>>>>>>>>                                                             suggest,
>>>>>>>>                                                             collective
>>>>>>>>                                                             activity
>>>>>>>>                                                             must
>>>>>>>>                                                             have
>>>>>>>>                                                             been
>>>>>>>>                                                             a
>>>>>>>>                                                             part
>>>>>>>>                                                             of
>>>>>>>>                                                             those
>>>>>>>>                                                             conditions
>>>>>>>>                                                             fostering
>>>>>>>>                                                             communication
>>>>>>>>                                                             (something
>>>>>>>>                                                             found
>>>>>>>>                                                             in
>>>>>>>>                                                             our
>>>>>>>>                                                             nearest
>>>>>>>>                                                             evolutionary
>>>>>>>>                                                             cousins
>>>>>>>>                                                             who
>>>>>>>>                                                             also
>>>>>>>>                                                             have
>>>>>>>>                                                             the
>>>>>>>>                                                             elements
>>>>>>>>                                                             of
>>>>>>>>                                                             rudimentary
>>>>>>>>                                                             speech) 
>>>>>>>>                                                             -
>>>>>>>>                                                             as
>>>>>>>>                                                             was
>>>>>>>>                                                             increasing
>>>>>>>>                                                             tool-using,
>>>>>>>>                                                             tool-making,
>>>>>>>>                                                             tool-giving
>>>>>>>>                                                             and
>>>>>>>>                                                             tool-instructing.
>>>>>>>>                                                             Andy
>>>>>>>>                                                             ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>                                                             Andy
>>>>>>>>                                                             Blunden
>>>>>>>>                                                             http://www.ethicalpolitics.org/ablunden/index.htm
>>>>>>>>                                                             <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.ethicalpolitics.org_ablunden_index.htm&d=DwMFaQ&c=aqMfXOEvEJQh2iQMCb7Wy8l0sPnURkcqADc2guUW8IM&r=mXj3yhpYNklTxyN3KioIJ0ECmPHilpf4N2p9PBMATWs&m=VlOXr8x02-mghKHGod2LwGx8_X-LHNRmDI_elI-7rKI&s=A3k5oeQ13zGCPUbWibdOb2KNZT4q__fLyCwugyULUDw&e=>
>>>>>>>>                                                             On
>>>>>>>>                                                             16/11/2018
>>>>>>>>                                                             12:58
>>>>>>>>                                                             pm,
>>>>>>>>                                                             Arturo
>>>>>>>>                                                             Escandon
>>>>>>>>                                                             wrote:
>>>>>>>>                                                                 Dear
>>>>>>>>                                                                 Andy,
>>>>>>>>                                                                 Michael
>>>>>>>>                                                                 Tomasello
>>>>>>>>                                                                 has
>>>>>>>>                                                                 made
>>>>>>>>                                                                 similar
>>>>>>>>                                                                 claims,
>>>>>>>>                                                                 grounding
>>>>>>>>                                                                 the
>>>>>>>>                                                                 surge
>>>>>>>>                                                                 of
>>>>>>>>                                                                 articulated
>>>>>>>>                                                                 language
>>>>>>>>                                                                 on
>>>>>>>>                                                                 innate
>>>>>>>>                                                                 co-operativism
>>>>>>>>                                                                 and
>>>>>>>>                                                                 collective
>>>>>>>>                                                                 activity.
>>>>>>>>                                                                 https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/cambridge-handbook-of-child-language/90B84B8F3BB2D32E9FA9E2DFAF4D2BEB
>>>>>>>>                                                                 <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.cambridge.org_core_books_cambridge-2Dhandbook-2Dof-2Dchild-2Dlanguage_90B84B8F3BB2D32E9FA9E2DFAF4D2BEB&d=DwMFaQ&c=aqMfXOEvEJQh2iQMCb7Wy8l0sPnURkcqADc2guUW8IM&r=mXj3yhpYNklTxyN3KioIJ0ECmPHilpf4N2p9PBMATWs&m=VlOXr8x02-mghKHGod2LwGx8_X-LHNRmDI_elI-7rKI&s=vxJZooXRDYwTRrM4dzWBbLfUhF9HhmUvU3ouq6sbwPI&e=>
>>>>>>>>                                                                 Best
>>>>>>>>                                                                 Arturo
>>>>>>>>                                                                 --
>>>>>>>>                                                                 Sent
>>>>>>>>                                                                 from
>>>>>>>>                                                                 Gmail
>>>>>>>>                                                                 Mobile
>>>>>>>>                                                         --
>>>>>>>>                                                         Peter
>>>>>>>>                                                         Feigenbaum,
>>>>>>>>                                                         Ph.D.
>>>>>>>>                                                         Director,
>>>>>>>>                                                         Office
>>>>>>>>                                                         of
>>>>>>>>                                                         Institutional
>>>>>>>>                                                         Research
>>>>>>>>                                                         <https://www.fordham.edu/info/24303/institutional_research>
>>>>>>>>                                                         Fordham
>>>>>>>>                                                         University
>>>>>>>>                                                         Thebaud
>>>>>>>>                                                         Hall-202
>>>>>>>>                                                         Bronx,
>>>>>>>>                                                         NY
>>>>>>>>                                                         10458
>>>>>>>>                                                         Phone:
>>>>>>>>                                                         (718)
>>>>>>>>                                                         817-2243
>>>>>>>>                                                         Fax:
>>>>>>>>                                                         (718)
>>>>>>>>                                                         817-3817
>>>>>>>>                                                         email:
>>>>>>>>                                                         pfeigenbaum@fordham.edu
>>>>>>>>                                                         <mailto:pfeigenbaum@fordham.edu>
>>>>>>>>                                                 -- 
>>>>>>>>                                                 Peter
>>>>>>>>                                                 Feigenbaum,
>>>>>>>>                                                 Ph.D.
>>>>>>>>                                                 Director,
>>>>>>>>                                                 Office
>>>>>>>>                                                 of
>>>>>>>>                                                 Institutional
>>>>>>>>                                                 Research
>>>>>>>>                                                 <https://www.fordham.edu/info/24303/institutional_research>
>>>>>>>>                                                 Fordham
>>>>>>>>                                                 University
>>>>>>>>                                                 Thebaud
>>>>>>>>                                                 Hall-202
>>>>>>>>                                                 Bronx,
>>>>>>>>                                                 NY
>>>>>>>>                                                 10458
>>>>>>>>                                                 Phone:
>>>>>>>>                                                 (718)
>>>>>>>>                                                 817-2243
>>>>>>>>                                                 Fax:
>>>>>>>>                                                 (718)
>>>>>>>>                                                 817-3817
>>>>>>>>                                                 email:
>>>>>>>>                                                 pfeigenbaum@fordham.edu
>>>>>>>>                                                 <mailto:pfeigenbaum@fordham.edu>
>>>>>>>>                                     This
>>>>>>>>                                     communication
>>>>>>>>                                     is intended for
>>>>>>>>                                     the addressee
>>>>>>>>                                     only. It is
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>>>>>>>>                                     If you have
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>>>>>>>>                                     may not copy or
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>>>>>>>>                                     Only authorised
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>>>>>>>>                                     competent to
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>>>>>>>>                                     necessarily the
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>>>>>>>>                                     University of
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>>>>>>>>                                     University
>>>>>>>>                                     agrees in
>>>>>>>>                                     writing to the
>>>>>>>>                                     contrary.
>>>>>>                     <Mandarin Ducks.jpg>
>>     -- 
>>     Gregory A. Thompson, Ph.D.
>>     Assistant Professor
>>     Department of Anthropology
>>     880 Spencer W. Kimball Tower
>>     Brigham Young University
>>     Provo, UT 84602
>>     WEBSITE: greg.a.thompson.byu.edu
>>     <http://greg.a.thompson.byu.edu>
>>     http://byu.academia.edu/GregoryThompson
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