[Xmca-l] Re: Research on School Space

Vadeboncoeur, Jennifer j.vadeboncoeur@ubc.ca
Mon Jul 24 09:59:35 PDT 2017

Dear Beata, There was an issue of Mind, Culture and Activity on spatializing sociocultural research in 2006, I think it is 13(3), and Kevin Leander has conducted research advancing these ideas as well. An issue of educational Studies, in 2009 has some articles. I imagine there is more. Best, Jen

On 2017-07-24, at 2:13 AM, Beata Zamorska wrote:

> Dear colleagues,
> We (the Polish team) are working on a project: How Can Space (especially school space)  Support Students and Teachers Creativity? How can we design the school classroom, furniture and tools to foster the processes of learning and development?
> We are looking for researchers who have conducted research on this topic in CHAT. I remember Prof. H. Daniels’ presentation about school buildings during the last ISCAR Congress in Sydney. However, I can’t find any additional information.
> I would be grateful if you could give me some suggestions. 
> Best regards
> Beata Zamorska

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